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[Closed] Particle Flow reload
Sep 19, 2007 3:22 pm
Hi friends,
I need your help.
There is a command for reload a action of Particle Flow?
Anybody know?
Usualy i use:
$‘Event 01’.baseObject.activateAction 6 -1
$‘Event 01’.baseObject.activateAction 6 1
but I don’t know the Event name, and I don’t know the order of the action in the event.
There is other way for reload a action or how I know the name of Event of the action?
Thank you,
ps: Did you understand?
2 Replies
Sep 19, 2007 3:22 pm
Look up the “Particle Flow Interfaces” and “Interface: ActionList” in the MXS Help. If you don’t know the name then collect the Event class in an array and check for the desired operator/action by class rather than name. For Example:
for obj in objects do (
if classof obj == Event do (
for act in 1 to obj.numActions() do (
if classof (obj.getaction act) == Birth do (
obj.baseobject.activateaction act 0
Will turn off all Birth operators in all events.