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[Closed] ParamWire Connecting a Morph to a CATRIG Layer
Dec 07, 2018 8:12 pm
As the title says I’m trying to wire a Morph Channel to drive a CatRig. What is wrong with the below ?
I think I’m getting undefined from the Sub Anim ??
CatBase = getNodeByName “Base Human”
m_morphNode = getNodeByName “Box001”m_SubAnims = getSubAnimNames m_morphNode.modifiers[#morpher]; – get an array of morph subanims
expr = “”;
expr += m_SubAnims[1] as string;
expr += “*0.01”;Mm = m_morphNode.modifiers[#morpher][1];
catcon = CatBase.layers.controller[2][1];
paramWire.connect Mm catcon expr