[Closed] Organize Rollouts
this is possible to do using pure the MXS.
What a relief! Can you tell me a bit more about how that would be done?
i can say the same – there are a lot of examples on this forum including mine. you can use subrollouts, registed rollout dialogs and rolloutfloaters, toolbars… there are many way to do it.
about languages… in our case there are only to types. language which allows to make tools and which doesn’t allow.
MXS is powerful enough to make complete tools in the MAX environment.
OMG the search option is a mess… I thought by clicking on your nickname I’d find all of your posts but no…
Guess I have to check all the threads one by one…
This is a solution that kinda works:
rollout parent “parent” height:200 width: 500
subrollout test1 “test1”
subrollout test2 “test2”
rollout test1a “test1a” width:100
spinner test1as “test1as” align:#left
)rollout test2a “test2a” width:100 height: 100
spinner test2as “test2as” align:#left
)createdialog parent
AddSubRollout parent.test1 test1a
AddSubRollout parent.test2 test2aparent.test1.width = 200
parent.test1.height = 100
parent.test1.pos = [250,0]parent.test2.pos = [0,0]
parent.test2.width = 200
parent.test2.height = 100
The problem is: if I remove the first subrollout the second stays in the middle. I’d like to have them always align to the left. Is it possible?
I see , may our cognition different
i think jen84’s need is an embedded rollout like first image shows , is it may achieve by mxs ? i tried but got incorrect result .
i didi that effect by dotnet such as
rollout AEI_dotnetUI_example_Rot "AEI_dotnetUI_example_Rot"
dotnetcontrol main_pn "panel" width:300 height:300 pos:[0,0]
local d_CI= dotnetclass "System.Activator"
local d_size= dotnetclass "System.Drawing.size"
local d_pos= dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Point"
local pos
fn d_color_fn n = ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb n[1] n[2] n[3])
fn toggle s e =
if s.tag[1]==1 then
s.parent.height = 0
s.parent.height = s.tag[2]
fn startdrag s e =
pos = mouse.screenpos
fn drag s e =
if (e.Button == e.Button.Left) then
s.parent.Left += mouse.screenpos.x - pos.x
s.parent.top += mouse.screenpos.y - pos.y
pos = mouse.screenpos
on AEI_dotnetUI_example_Rot resized size do
main_pn.size =d_CI.CreateInstance d_size #(size[1],size[2])
on AEI_dotnetUI_example_Rot open do
main_pn.backcolor = d_color_fn [50,50,50]
rollout_top=dotnetobject "panel"
rollout_top.size = d_CI.CreateInstance d_size #(250,250)
rollout_top.location = d_CI.CreateInstance d_pos #(10,10)
rollout_top.autosize = true
label_top= dotnetobject "label"
label_top.text = "D-click to toggle_top"
label_top.height = 18
label_top.backcolor = d_color_fn [170,170,170]
label_top.dock = label_top.dock.top
dotnet.addeventhandler label_top "DoubleClick" toggle
dotnet.addeventhandler label_top "MouseMove" drag
dotnet.addeventhandler label_top "MouseDown"startdrag
panel_top=dotnetobject "panel"
panel_top.backcolor= d_color_fn [50,50,100]
panel_top.dock = panel_top.dock.fill
rollout1 = dotnetobject "panel"
rollout1.size = d_CI.CreateInstance d_size #(100,100)
rollout1.location = d_CI.CreateInstance d_pos #(10,30)
rollout1.autosize = true
label1= dotnetobject "label"
label1.text = "D-click to toggle1"
label1.dock = label1.dock.top
label1.backcolor = d_color_fn [70,70,70]
label1.height = 18
dotnet.addeventhandler label1 "DoubleClick" toggle
dotnet.addeventhandler label1 "MouseMove" drag
dotnet.addeventhandler label1 "MouseDown"startdrag
panel1= dotnetobject "panel"
panel1.backcolor= d_color_fn [100,0,70]
panel1.dock = panel1.dock.fill
label1.tag = #(1,rollout1.height)
rollout2 = dotnetobject "panel"
rollout2.size = d_CI.CreateInstance d_size #(100,100)
rollout2.location = d_CI.CreateInstance d_pos #(120,30)
rollout2.autosize = true
label2= dotnetobject "label"
label2.text = "D-click to toggle2"
label2.dock = label2.dock.top
label2.backcolor = d_color_fn [70,70,70]
label2.height = 18
dotnet.addeventhandler label2 "DoubleClick" toggle
dotnet.addeventhandler label2 "MouseMove" drag
dotnet.addeventhandler label2 "MouseDown"startdrag
panel2= dotnetobject "panel"
panel2.backcolor= d_color_fn [100,0,70]
panel2.dock = panel2.dock.fill
label2.tag = #(1,rollout2.height)
label_top.tag = #(1,rollout_top.height)
rollout1.controls.addrange #(label1,panel1)
rollout2.controls.addrange #(label2,panel2)
panel_top.controls.addrange #(rollout1,rollout2)
rollout_top.controls.addrange #(label_top,panel_top)
main_pn.controls.add rollout_top
createdialog AEI_dotnetUI_example_Rot 300 300