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[Closed] optionVar?

hello again, I created a simple window:

rollout nn_FTR “Fix Time Range”
local g_thePath;

editText txtFld "" text:"Dir?" pos:[1,16] width:276;
button getDBtn "<" toolTip:"Get Directory" pos:[285,14] width:30;
button curDBtn "Cur Dir" toolTip:"Current Directory" pos:[4,40] width:96;
button subDBtn "Sub Dir" toolTip:"Sub Directory" pos:[111,40] width:96;
button closeBtn "Close" toolTip:"Close Window" pos:[218,40] width:96;
label txt1 "Current Directory:" pos:[6,2] width:133 height:14;

fn getMaxFiles root pattern = 
	my_files = getFiles (root + "\\" + pattern);

fn getFilesRecursive root pattern = 
	dir_array = GetDirectories (root+"\*");

	for d in dir_array do 
		join dir_array (GetDirectories (d+"/*"));
		my_files = #(); 

		for f in dir_array do 
			join my_files (getFiles (f + pattern));

-- getDbtn
on getDBtn pressed do
(	try
		g_thePath = getSavePath();
		txtFld.text = g_thePath;		
		messageBox "Please select a directory";

-- curDBtn
on curDBtn pressed do
		maxFiles = #();
		maxFiles = getMaxFiles g_thePath "*.max";
		print maxFiles;
		-- command here
		messageBox "Directory doesn't exists";

-- subDBtn
on subDBtn pressed do
		maxFiles = #();
		maxFiles = getFilesRecursive g_thePath "*.max";
		print maxFiles;	
		-- command here
		messageBox "Please select a valid directory.";

-- closeBtn
on closeBtn pressed do
	closerolloutfloater nn_FTRFloater


– create the rollout window and add the rollout
if nn_FTRFloater != undefined do
closerolloutfloater nn_FTRFloater;

nn_FTRFloater = newRolloutFloater “nn_FTR” 330 96;
addRollout nn_FTR nn_FTRFloater;

so now my question is is there a way to tell Max to save the “txtFld.text” value when I call that script again cause it’s annoying looking for the same dir over and over again, basically what I want is to tell Max to load the old value of “txtFld.text” so I dont need to browse for that same folder.:shrug:

Thanks All

2 Replies

Check out the online reference for “SetIniSetting” and “GetIniSetting”. Something in the lines of:

SetIniSetting “$plugcfg\myinifile.ini” “Settings” “Path” “C:\blahblah\blahblah”
myPath = GetIniSetting “$plugcfg\myinifile.ini” “Settings” “Path”

  • Martijn

thanks for the 411