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[Closed] Open MXS CHM on relevant page

The code below opens a CHM on the ‘index’ with ‘grid’ prefilled in the search input…
But the page doesn’t open until I click on the highlighted index item…

And I’ve seen some code around here that accessed the content in the maxscript editor which would be the other part of this project Anyone dare to take a shot at it?

  h = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Help"
  nav= dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.HelpNavigator"
  p= DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Control";
  h.ShowHelp p  chm  nav.Index  "grid"
1 Reply

Can you make sure you build in a check to avoid the crash when you have a large chunk of code selected and press F1, it crashes max and I’ve done it far too many times accidentally!