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[Closed] Online 3Ds Battleship

can’t wait to try it,
looks very cool Jason!


What codec is it? I can’t play the AVI.

What is the best place to get a pack of codecs as well that isn’t full of viruses?

Paul, get the VLC player. No need to install any codec.


It’s the techsmit codec (TSCC).
I personally have ffdShow installed, since it’s a codec pack that has most used codecs installed and doesn’t require the use of a special player, like VLC or MPC.It plays everything in every player, if you enable the codec in the settings. Heck with the 64 bit of ffdShow I can even make maxpreviews in max 64bit avi!


Online 3Ds Battleship game (Check my site for instructions for installing if you don’t know MZP files)

 hehe thanks guys! Here's the first release of the game. I encrypted it to avoid any massive mess ups, as I noticed people were cheating on the Tetris game I posted before :P. On its very early stages, it was messing up on Max 64bit, so I'm not sure if it'll still screw up. I'm thinking the main problem will be people not being able to connect to the database, but hopefully that won't be a big problem.
   By the way, can someone confirm that this is the first online game for Max? That would be pretty neat if it is :P. 
   [b]diffx:[/b] Thanks for the heads up on the dead link. Chat seemed pretty necessary so you knew someone was still on the other end. Also to trash talk when blowing up his ships!
   [b]MarcoBrunetta, TzMtN: [/b]Thank guys! Hope you enjoy the game.
   [b]Partially Frozen:[/b] Hey Mark! Soon it will take over Max and be a full game! om nom nom
   [b]LoneRobot:[/b] Thanks Peter :). You always do inspirational stuff so means alot coming from you.
   [b]thatoneguy:[/b] I actually owe you a big thanks for the database portion of this. On another thread you explained and provided some info on connecting to a database through maxscript, so thank you! If I do some other iterations of the game, I'll try to add some of that funky water in there! 
   [b]martroyx:[/b] Thanks Martin :). Been working on any new games?
   [b]kees, JHN:[/b] I know I know, but it was totally worth it :P!
   [b]PEN: [/b]Someone had the same problem with the codec. It worked with quicktime, though.

First on line game that I know of for Max J, Would love to see how you are doing it as well.

hahaha, can´t believe it ! awesome as usual

It will be really nice to use the realtime lighting and shadows in max with some low poly boats, and if we can see those ships shooting “bullets”, “missiles” and stuff

Just some ideas

Once again, congratulations Jason

I get ‘cannot find dll to connect on database’ message anyone else got this ?
it does this in max 2009/2010 …any idea ?

Martin, that message pops up if the doesFileExist fails. Maybe the MZP didn’t extract properly. You can always change it to a zip and extract the dll manually to:
\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\Scripts\JDLtools\Battleship\MySql.Data.dll
I should also note that I only tested this on 2008 32bit.

Well that’s good to hear Paul! I’ll probably post the file in a bit so anyone can see exactly what’s being done.

Thanks Fabio, the missiles sound like a good idea

When I first opened the game, I got the same error message as martroyx
but the files where extracted correctly so I tried copying them to the 64bit directory
(I have both max 2008 32bit and 64bit installed on a win xp 64bit system)
Now I’m able to open the dialog but when I try creating a game I get this error:
“Error connecting on database. Closing dialog.”
And I so wanted to play already

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