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[Closed] On/Off shaded material in viewport for all materials

Using Denis’s idea, this seems to work:

	local switch = false
	for c in material.classes where c.creatable == true do
		for mat in (getClassInstances c processAllAnimatables:true) do
			if (isKindOf mat VRayMtlWrapper) and (mat.baseMtl != undefined) then
				local bMat = copy mat.baseMtl
				bMat.showInViewport = switch
				mat.baseMtl = bMat
				mat.showInViewport = switch

Hi, i’ve try the last version, but it returns me this error:
unknown property: “showInViewport” in undefined

and if i try one old script version, now i’ve always the same error, why?

Would you mind posting the rest of the error message from the listener. I can’t replicate it here.

Hi to all, I left out a bit this thread because I haven’t had time to make test.
But in the upcoming version of 3dsmax Design 2014 seems there is an option for control the quality of texture maps with nitrous…
I’ll wait to see solve my problems with the new controls …

Thanks for the support, I keep you informed!

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