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[Closed] Octree problem

 	struct EasyNodeData (node, handle, intersects = #())
 	/********** create node set *********************/
 	with redraw off with undo off 
 		delete objects
 		seed 1
 		t1 = timestamp()
 		m1 = heapfree
 		t0 = timestamp()
 		nodes = for k=1 to 10000 collect 
 			n = box pos:(1000*(random [-1,-1,-1] [1,1,1])) length:(random 10 50) width:(random 10 50) height:(random 10 50) name:("b" + k as string) 
 			EasyNodeData node:n handle:(getHandleByAnim n)
 		format "CREATE...	nodes:% time:% memory:%
" nodes.count (timestamp() - t1) (m1 - heapfree) 
 		select (for n in nodes collect n.node)
 	/********** find intersections ******************/
 	t1 = timestamp()
 	m1 = heapfree
 	bmin = selection.min
 	bmax = selection.max
 	cell = pow (1.0*nodes.count) (1./3)
 	cell_size = cell*[1,1,1]/(bmax - bmin)
 	local buffer = #()
 	for n in nodes do
 		dmin = 1 + (n.node.min - bmin)*cell_size
 		dmax = 1 + (n.node.max - bmin)*cell_size
 		dmin = [floor dmin.x, floor dmin.y, floor dmin.z]
 		for x = dmin.x to dmax.x do
 			for y = dmin.y to dmax.y do
 				for z = dmin.z to dmax.z do
 					if buffer[x] == undefined do buffer[x] = #()
 					if buffer[x][y] == undefined do buffer[x][y] = #()
 					if buffer[x][y][z] == undefined do buffer[x][y][z] = #()
 					append buffer[x][y][z] n
 	t2 = timestamp()
 	m2 = heapfree
 	format "BUFFER...	nodes:% time:% memory:% cell:%
" nodes.count (t2 - t1) (m1 - m2) cell
 	local source, target
 	local done = #()
 	for x = 1 to buffer.count where buffer[x] != undefined do
 		for y = 1 to buffer[x].count where buffer[x][y] != undefined do
 			for z = 1 to buffer[x][y].count where buffer[x][y][z] != undefined do
 				for n=1 to buffer[x][y][z].count-1 do 
 					source = buffer[x][y][z][n]
 					for k=n+1 to buffer[x][y][z].count do 
 						target = buffer[x][y][z][k]
 						if (intersects source.node target.node) do
 							append source.intersects target
 							append target.intersects source
 	t3 = timestamp()
 	m3 = heapfree
 	format "COMPUTE...	nodes:% time:% memory:% cell:%
" nodes.count (t3 - t2) (m2 - m3) cell
 	format "COMPLETE...	nodes:% time:% memory:%
" nodes.count (t3 - t1) (m1 - m3)
 	intersected = for n in nodes where n.intersects.count > 0 collect n.node
 	format "	intersected:%
" intersected.count 

probably the optimal grid cell size might have more sense.

the node’s handle which I use in the structure doesn’t make any sense it this case. It’s a remainder of some other experiments :).

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