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[Closed] Object orientation and position-script ptoblems

Step by step:

I have an obj1(plane object), on which poly1(polygon) is selected
I have a Teapot object

How to orient an Teapot so its Z axis to match the normal of a poly1, and its X axis to match the local X axis of the obj1?

Right now I am using this:

	faceCenter = polyop.GetSafeFaceCenter obj1 f
	--	match the object axies to the surface axies
	Teapot.transform = obj1.transform
	Teapot.pos = faceCenter
-- 				Teapot.dir = poGetFaceNormal obj1 f			
	--//	match the Z axis of the object with the face normal
	--	the X axis of the object should(I hope) match the surface local X axis
	faceMatrix = matrixFromNormal (polyop.GetFaceNormal obj1 f)
	Teapot.transform *= \
	(inverse \
		( quat \
			(acos (dot Teapot.transform[3] faceMatrix[3])) \
			( normalize (cross Teapot.transform[3] faceMatrix[3]) )\
		)	\
	) as matrix3
	--	put the object in the proper position
	Teapot.pos = faceCenter

I have to put that in a position_script controler.
I’ve tried with the code above, but Max tells me that I can’t use the Teapot in the controler’s expression(Illegal self-reference in controller script).

6 Replies

Is the position_script a necessity? Given that you are setting the orientation, transform_script seems to be more appropriate here:

 	local obj = convertToPoly (Plane lengthSegs:20 widthSegs:20)
 	local pot = Teapot radius:2
 	local scriptTM = transform_script()
 	scriptTM.addConstant #face 110
 	scriptTM.addObject #obj (NodeTransformMonitor node:obj)
 	scriptTM.script = "x = normalize obj.transform.row1
" +
 		"z = polyOp.getFaceNormal obj face
" +
 		"y = normalize (cross x z)
" +
 		"pos = polyOp.getSafeFaceCenter obj face

" +
 		"matrix3 (normalize (cross z y)) y z pos"
 	pot.transform.controller = scriptTM

using the snippet above i show the trick how to make this controller be updated on plane deformation:

	delete objects
	 local obj = convertToPoly (Plane lengthSegs:20 widthSegs:20)
	 local pot = Teapot radius:2
	 local scriptTM = transform_script()
	 scriptTM.addConstant #face 110
	 scriptTM.addObject #obj (NodeTransformMonitor node:obj)
	 [b]scriptTM.addObject #att (Attachment node:obj)[/b] -- ************
	 scriptTM.script = "x = normalize obj.transform.row1
" +
		 "z = polyOp.getFaceNormal obj face
" +
		 "y = normalize (cross x z)
" +
		 "pos = polyOp.getSafeFaceCenter obj face

" +
		 "matrix3 (normalize (cross z y)) y z pos"
	 pot.transform.controller = scriptTM

Thank you both of you.
With Denis addition the teapot behaves just like I want.

How to remove the transform_script, so the object can be moved freely in the scene?

pot.transform.controller = prs()

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Thank you.