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[Closed] Normal Brush Tool

I am trying to create a new modifier, that extends the existing Edit Normals modifier, with the ability to comb the surface nomals using the painter interface. Please see code below.

plugin modifier NBrusher
name:"Normal Brusher"
classID:#(0x624ed143, 0xc7db9b7)
replaceUI:false version:1

	Local nodeList = undefined
	Local CurrNode = undefined
	Local localHit = [0,0,0] 
	Local localNormal = [0,0,0]
	Local worldHit = [0,0,0]
	Local worldNormal = [0,0,0]
	Local radius = 0.0
	Local str = 0.5
	Local shift = false
	Local ctrl = false
	Local alt = false
	Local pressure = 0.0

	Fn BrushNormals dir =
		-- Selects the normals under the brush 
		if classof currnode == Editable_mesh then
			Face_Selection = (meshop.getFacesUsingVert currnode(thePainterInterface.getPointGatherHits currnode))
			Face_Selection = (polyop.getFacesUsingVert currnode(thePainterInterface.getPointGatherHits currnode))
		Normal_Selection = #{}
		this.Edit_Normals.ConvertFaceSelection &Face_Selection &Normal_Selection
		this.Edit_Normals.SetSelection Normal_Selection
		For i in this.Edit_Normals.getselection() do
				this.Edit_Normals.SetNormal i ((this.Edit_Normals.GetNormal i)+(Dir*(thePainterInterface.maxstr)))
	Fn Paintstroke =
		CurrNode = (thePainterInterface.getHitNode 0)
		thePainterInterface.getHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal &radius &str 0
		thePainterInterface.getHitPressureData &shift &ctrl &alt &pressure 0
		BrushNormals (thePainterInterface.getHitVec 0) 
		thePainterInterface.updateMeshes true

	Fn PainterIni =
		thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 nodelist
		thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke paintStroke endStroke cancelStroke systemEnd
		thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = True

  parameters main rollout:params
  rollout params "Parameters"
	  groupBox grp_Brushes "Brushes" pos:[2,5] width:157 height:60
			Checkbutton Btn_Comb "Comb" pos: [6,(grp_Brushes.pos.y)+25] width:69 height: 17 checked:false
	  button btn_PainterOpt "Brush Options" pos:[4,(grp_Brushes.pos.y)+70] width:153 height:20
	On Btn_Comb changed state do
			case state of
					nodelist = undefined
					nodelist = $
					delegate.SelLevel = 1
					delegate.SelLevel = 0
					nodelist = undefined
	on btn_PainterOpt pressed do thePainterInterface.paintOptions()

Although the basic functionality is working I have run into an issue when assigning the modifier to multiple objects. It will only allow me to paint on the first object in the “nodelist”, although the painter interface has initialized all objects ok, painting on other objects the changes only occur on the initial object in the nodelist. The Painter interface seems to be collecting the face selections ok, but using this selection to update the normals on the intial node.

Is there anything obvious I have over looked here, or anybody suggest any improvement to the script ?
