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[Closed] Noob Q: creating an objects library

Howdy folks !

First off let me state i’m completely new to Maxscript, i’ve completed the “beginner” tutorials (and i don’t feel much more confident, in fact) and that’s all, so please be kind : )

What i’d like to do is creating some kind of an object library, i believe it should not be that hard overall (well… i believe it might take me some time, but that does not matter). I plan on storing low poly objects that i’ll be able to reinsert anywhere in my scenes – aiming at level creation.

Basically, what i’d want would be a rollout enabling to store any selected object – including it’s map(s), into a sort of a list, from which you can then select an object and place it in your scene.
What’d be nice would be to store all objects and their maps into a target dir (copying of maps from their original path to a new one, with name check / renaming of maps like it does when you export a .3ds ?), maybe creating a thumbnail as you store objects; then a list / thumbnails list, with some additional display of informations (polycount, maps…), and a way to insert the selected object, either just placing it at 0,0,0 or using a “pickpoint”.

Now onto questions; has it been done already ? Will it be hard to do, or will “parts” of it as i intend it will be quite difficult to achieve (like the thumbnails thing) ? How would i store objects, what kind of format should i be using, .max files or maybe .txt ?
Does this seem completely useless ?

thanks : )


5 Replies


I started working on such a library script some time ago. Haven’t been able to finish it though due to lack of time…

Haven’t got the time to share my thoughts right now, but will check back tonight


Thanks a lot, Magicm !
I already have a couple objects i could use for that, i’ll be looking at it and see what i can come up and start with (well, certainly not much, but still).


You might want to check out…

Search ‘I-drop’

From scriptSpot
“Helps you to create a simple Web site based on your MAX/VIZ objects library. The created Web pages can be copied on your Web server or on a CD-ROM. The Web pages are based on customizable HTML templates. Supported features:
thumbnail generation of the model
thumbnail generation and hyperlinking of texture maps and photometric files
model information such as dimensions. amount of lights. objects cameras and geometry I-drop compatible page generation
Written by Pierre-Félix Breton. Click for homepage.”

it’s a standalone exe, I haven’t used it, but it might fit your bill…

Good Luck

Keith Morrison

Thanks a lot, Keith, i’m looking at it right now and it’s giving me ideas : )

As of now, and considering i’m quite a noob at scripting in Max, i think i’m going to put aside the idea of thumbnails for the moment, and focus on actually building the script, then i’ll see if i can go for fancy stuff : )

Really because i don’t quite now how i could achieve that – but that script you pointed at could be a way, as it generates thumbnails of the models to be written as html, and i think i noticed that Blur’s Biped worker for instance relies on a web page with rollover images to display biped parts in the script’s ui.

So i do have lots of hints, i’m off to work now !


If your looking to incorporate web pages, or any other ActiveX type controlled items in your UI, search “ActiveX” in the maxscript help. Really powerful.

Good Luck

Keith Morrison