[Closed] Node Event Callback Question
I want to make a callback that calls a function when the material of an object is changed.
I know that whit the node event callback i can do this, but i don’t understand well how to use it, how to register a callback and how to unregister.
The function i must use is the “materialOtherEvent:” but i don’t know how to use it.
Plase some help
I think i understand how it is working thanks to this post…
But i still do not understand well…the node event callback is stored inside a variable?
So i can have a variable in my script, let the variable be undefined, when i want to activate it i store the callback inside the variable and when i want to deactivate it a change the variable to undefined and do a gc light.
Is this ok?
make sure your variable ‘lives’ as long as you need it… which in most cases means you’ll have to make it a global.
It’s not working.
i’m using this function with a checkbox:
fn prico a b = (
print "i work"
on mats changed state do (
if state == on then (
callmat = NodeEventCallback materialOtherEvent:prico
print "soy callbo"
else (
callmat = undefined
gc light:true
print "me voy"
but the callback is not working
ok, i don’t understand anythig…
when i check and uncheck the checkbox many fast times and in the end i left the checkbox checked then the callback is working, if i check only the first time…it is not working… :S
P.S. : but every time i check and uncheck the phrase “soy callbooo” is printed, so the function that activates the callback is working
first… like I said… make sure the variable you assign the node event callback ‘lives’ for as long as you need it… right now you’re assigning it to a variable inside the checkbox’s change state event handler, and then within an if-test at that. Outside of that if-test, the variable doesn’t exist. Make it global before the script.
The other thing you may want to change is the event type; the help file is slightly misleading, you need the ‘materialStructured’ event to detect material assignments;
global callmat
fn prico a b = (
print "i work"
rollout roll_test "test" (
checkbox mats ""
on mats changed state do (
if state == on then (
callmat = NodeEventCallback materialStructured:prico
print "soy callbo"
else (
callmat = undefined
gc light:true
print "me voy"
createDialog roll_test
Edit: ‘materialOtherEvent’ is used to detect changes to the material itself… e.g. changing the diffuse color of the material used by a node will signal this event.
But i don’t need to see the material assignement, i need to see the material changes, i mean when i change a color, when i change the opacity, etc…
And the variable, sorry i did not write it here, i have the variable defined as global at the top of my script.
So i don’t understand why when i check and unchek 4 or five times fast the it’s working
P.S. 2 : that’s exactly what i need
ZeBoxxx your script is doing the same thing, it is working inly if i check and uncheck the checkbox a few times, i don’t understand why is doing that
err… lots of edits… just to make sure: does it work for you now, with the ‘materialOtherEvent’ back in? It works here, at least.
As for toggling quickly… don’t know, haven’t tried; given that you’re garbage collecting repeatedly, I’d say “don’t do that”
( not sure why the node event system was implemented the way it is )