[Closed] newbie question about selecting objects
the objs are imported from rhino and the exported mesh have all vertices unweld and some extra edges.
As long as the objs are boxes and having borders on the real corners, the remove, removes all useless edges and then i weld the vertices.
the inserts are for reasons i try to explain above and again below.
the auto smooth damages the continuity on the faces and as it is shown in the photo above, the reflections will be “wavy”. the inserts, limit that effect in the inserted faces area and leaving a smooth main face.
The almost same result we could have if we auto smooth the “main” faces in one group and the faces of the chamfer in an other… but then, the transaction from the corner to the main faces would be too sharp.
beside all this, i think you got a more faster and less trashed script over there! maybe it wont even flicker! Thank you for the interaction!
Let the knowledge flow through you!!
this is exactly the same, but much faster and no flicker:
undo "Chamfer" on for node in nodes do
converttopoly node
node.selectededges = node.edges
node.Remove selLevel:#Edge
node.weldthreshold = 0.01
polyop.weldvertsbythreshold node #all
node.edgechamfersegments = 3
polyop.chamferedges node #all 0.1
node.selectedfaces = #{1..6}
polyop.bevelFaces node #selection 0.0 -0.05
polyop.bevelFaces node #selection 0.0 -0.05
node.selectedfaces = node.faces
polyop.autosmooth node
update node
i ll try it tomorrow but thank you in advance!
well it s not working… :banghead: