[Closed] New to This
Hey guys,
I have started with Maxscript and wanted to ask something.Lets say I have created a GUI and it has a spinner which controls the Blur Amount of the maps inside the diffuse channel in the Material Editor…So after creating the spinner I have called teh function
“on _blur amnt changed do”
where bluramnt is the spinner
Now this is where I cant seem to call the function where I want to change the value of all the blur amounts of all the diffuse maps in all the materials…Like when I will change my spinner it will change the blur value of all the materials diffuse slots which has somekind of 2D map in it…
Hope I am clear enough…
Thanks Guys,
Here is the Script so far…
global MyBlurValue
try (destroydialog MyBlurValue)catch()
rollout MyBlurValue “Blur Value Controller”
spinner _blur “Blur Value” type:#float range:[0.01,10000,1.0]
button theButton “About”
on theButton pressed do
messagebox “This is a script to reduce the blur value
of the diffuse slot in the Materials”
on _blur amnt changed do
createdialog MyBlurValue
this should get you started. I noticed that some materials (such as the electric map) may not work with .coords.blur so instead it may be coordinates.blur instead or something. You’ll need to add if statements to check for errors for stuff like “if there is no diffuse map” or “if there is no selection” ( if selection == undefined then ) And it currently works only on selection… probably easier this way
rollout MyBlurValue "Blur Value Controller"
spinner _bluramnt "Blur Value" type:#float range:[0.01,10000,1.0]
button theButton "About"
on theButton pressed do
messagebox "This is a script to reduce the blur value
of the diffuse slot in the Materials"
on _bluramnt changed amount do
for obj in selection do
obj.material.diffusemap.coords.blur = _bluramnt.value
createdialog MyBlurValue
Dude…Thanks a hell lot…I understood what you changed…So it will change the value of the blur for the selected object…very interesting…I think am gonna start diving into scripting a lil more now…Could you tell me as to how you started learning MaxScript?
Thanks Dude,
Allright…One problem…It seems that when I try to adjust the spinner it doesnt seem to work for multi-sub objects?:sad:
Am using Max 2008 and it says that .value is undefined…
i had this in the ‘cave’
try (destroydialog RO_Blur) catch()
global RO_Blur
rollout RO_Blur "Blur Value"
radiobuttons rdo_sel labels:#("Scene","Selection")
spinner spn_blur "Blur Value" range:[0.01,100,1.0] scale:0.01
on spn_blur changed val do
local objs = if rdo_sel.state==1 then
for obj in objects where obj.material != undefined collect obj
else for obj in selection where obj.material != undefined collect obj
for obj in objs do
if classof obj.material == Multimaterial then
for m in obj.material.materialList do
try (m.diffusemap.coords.blur = val) catch (try (m.diffusemap.coordinates.blur = val) catch())
try (obj.material.diffusemap.coords.blur = val) catch (try (obj.material.diffusemap.coordinates.blur = val) catch())
createdialog RO_Blur
Thanks a lot dude…Could you tell me as to how I could get more into learning Maxscripting?
Cg Academy has 3 maxscript dvds… they’re excellent. Get them. Order them now. Buy Buy Buy! ALL OF THEM! 😮
Read the docs! Sounds silly, but Bobo (and many others) have done some excellent work on providing a number tutorials
Search this forum, read this fourm and most importantly, ask lots of questions
It also helps to have a little coding background
Ian:- Yes Yes Yes…I will get buy them…Thanks Thanks Thanks…
RustyKnight:-I surely will bug you guys with questions allright…Actually I have done my Bachelors in IT(B-Tech)…So I know programming a bit… …I am trying to get into Maxscript cause what I have seen is if I develop my own tools and all then my workflow enhances by a whole lot…But thanks for all your help guys…