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[Closed] new test windowdialog does not open

I do not know too much english
my problem, new test windowdialog does not open when I press the button asd

global test
  Rollout test "cap1"
    Spinner s1 "cap2"
--   createdialog test

rollout test1 ""
	subrollout asdf width:140 height:100
	button asd""
	on asd pressed do    ------does not work
	(createdialog test)
createdialog test1
AddSubRollout test1.asdf test

Would you help with code sample

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max doesn’t allow to have more than one instance of the same rollout. You are trying to create dialog for already opened rollout. If you remove the sub-rollout you will be able to create the dialog:

 global test
 rollout test "cap1"
 	spinner s1 "cap2"
 rollout test1 ""
 	subrollout asdf width:140 height:100
 	button asd""
 	on asd pressed do   
 		removeSubRollout test1.asdf test
 		createdialog test
 createdialog test1
 AddSubRollout test1.asdf test

I can only confirm that it doesn’t work for me either… I don’t see anything you are doing wrong, I can only guess that rollouts that are inside subrollout controls can not be created independently as well.

is it not a scope issue?

rollout test1 ""
	Rollout test "cap1"
    Spinner s1 "cap2"

	subrollout asdf width:140 height:100
	button asd"" 
	on asd pressed do createdialog test
createdialog test1
AddSubRollout test1.asdf test

@Pete: I think the OP’s intent was to both have the dialog appear in the subrollout and be created independently as a floater using createDialog, or at least that’s what I think… I read his post on the area but responded here. The code is different there.

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ok guys, my bad. That makes sense. you can’t have two instances of the same rollout. now why do this exactly?

LoneRobot: not really, in your example you’d have to have

addSubRollout test1.asdf test1.test

if there’s no global test rollout already defined.

What’s the use of having two instances of the same rollout floating around anyway? One can detach it to a floating dialog by replacing the button event handler with

	on asd pressed do
 		removeSubRollout asdf test
 		createdialog test

but I’m not sure if that is what you really want to do…

I can’t think of no use for the original method either, but I kind of like the idea of detaching the subrollouts (but keeping the values). Could be fun and it could even be extended to work as a palette for some tools because the detached dialogs would stay there even after closing it. Something like this, but with .ini settings (and probably without destroying all the dialogs when run):

try (destroyDialog testParent; destroyDialog testParent.testChild1; destroyDialog testParent.testChild2; destroyDialog testParent.testChild3) catch()
rollout testParent "My Numerous Tools"
	subRollout testContainer width:140 height:210
	button btnDetach1 "   1   " across:3
	button btnDetach2 "   2   "
	button btnDetach3 "   3   "

	rollout testChild1 "Child1"
		spinner s1 "cap2"
	rollout testChild2 "Child2"
		label lbl1 "Test 2:"
		editText etInput ""
	rollout testChild3 "Child3"
		label lbl1 "Test 3:"
		editText etInput ""

	fn transferValues target container: type:#dialog =

		local settings = for ctrl in target.controls collect
			case classOf ctrl of
				SpinnerControl: #(, #value, ctrl.value)
				EditTextControl: #(, #text, ctrl.text)
				-- etc.
				default: dontCollect
		if type == #dialog then createDialog target
		else addSubRollout container target
		for s in settings do
			setProperty (getProperty target s[1]) s[2] s[3] -- thanks denisT !

	fn detachRollout target container =
		if NOT target.inDialog then
			removeSubRollout container target
			transferValues target
			try destroyDialog target catch()
			transferValues target container:container type:#subRol

	on testParent open do
		addSubRollout testContainer testChild1
		addSubRollout testContainer testChild2
		addSubRollout testContainer testChild3

	on btnDetach1 pressed do
		detachRollout testChild1 testContainer

	on btnDetach2 pressed do
		detachRollout testChild2 testContainer

	on btnDetach3 pressed do
		detachRollout testChild3 testContainer
createDialog testParent

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great code thanks Swordslayer, LoneRobot