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[Closed] New Script: Rollout Builder

Ooooh! Stretchy IK! You’re a tease Keith.


Very nice tool!

I had errors trying to run the script, i think you forgot to put the caption when defining ui in NewRollout:

i replaced 

    fn NewRollout =
    		ui = cRO edtROName.text spnROWidth.value spnROHeight.value
    		arrControls = #()
    		ro = undefined
fn NewRollout =
    		ui = cRO edtROCaption.text edtROName.text spnROWidth.value spnROHeight.value
    		arrControls = #()
    		ro = undefined
and it seems to work now :)

edit: oh and the list of controls didn’t appear, i changed the definition of ddlControl in the “controls” group to get it.

I’ll definitely use that script!

reedit: i can’t remove controls (but i think it works ok with groups), i get an error when i use the button of the main dialog, and it does nothing when i use the one of the arrcontrol dialog. maybe i don’t use those when i’m supposed to?

yonk in my Script Librairie
Thank Wahonney!

Sorry about the obvious bugs guys, serves me right for not testing properly before releasing

I’ve fixed the following bugs:

[li]Caption Error[/li][li]Remove Control Error[/li][li]Edit Button disabling when editing a group[/li][/ul]With any luck that should be all, sorry, still no new video, I’ll get on it asap, you can get the plugin from the above link in the previous post again.

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