[Closed] New MaxScript Editor Concept
Most of you have tryed to edit HTML code in a html editor.
So most of you also know that in html editors, you can select some text and press the BOLD
button, then the programs insert the <b> selected text </b> code snippets.
The same could be very cool with the 3dsmax maxscript editor or a new editor…
Then you just select some code and press the a tag-button or drop down, and ex. a If / else is places around the code.
Imagine a maxscript “New script” editor where you, have both a toolbar with all the basic if/else, for, case etc etc. tags on it, and a Menu bar with a lot more code, maybe arranged like the maxwrapper. Maybe with all the functions that the Current selected objects has.
Also be able to define all you own tags.
We allready have the power of VisualMaxscript editor, combined with a little Hack/changing of the “New Script” window, with the features I’ve mentioned, that will be very very powerfull. That will be sooo cool!
Both that everybody will have easyer learning maxscript, and you will be able to write them mutch faster.
How can this be done in 3dsmax, either edit the “new maxscript” window or create a seperate window?
Hope you like the concept
Edit: …or can it be done with a Axtive X object Text Editor based… something, how can this be created and what program is used to create this, or is there allready something out that can run inside max, that looks like this? Generally, how can we acces the selected text inside a multi-line text editor and also insert text before and after the select text.
I’m 147% behind you that Max needs a new script editor, where instead of having lots of smaller dialogs floating around you have just the one with tabs for your different scripts. There are so many cool things that can be done with it…
So Martin, when’re we starting?
well… method one is ofcause hack, recompile/ rewrite the build in maxscript editor (out of my skill level.) – But it takes use of the existing features like CTRL+B, CTRL+RightClick… etc.
The Visual maxscript is not a problem, as i understand it, you can run it from inside max, triggered with a filename, and it will then open & edit your layout, just as the build in maxscript editor.
PLan B is to write one yourself, that can run inside 3dsmax as a ActiveXobject, flash or html.
There is also a sample maxscript code somewhere, that runs photshop inside a maxwindow, but I couldn’t make it work. – But if it does, we can run editors inside max.
Until now I think the easy way is to have a online web editor, that runs inside 3dsmax as a activeX object > web window… that webpage does the same, as when you reply to a post on a forum, you can insert Smilies, where the cursor is [modify – we insert code instead of smilies], you can select or mark some text and you pres s the Bold button [modify and instead of setting html<b> selected text </b> around the text, we put if x > y then (selected text) etc. so its just a game of replacing code and icons that allready is there]
If colorcoding is possible inside a html textfield, then this could be an option. Then I also have a question, does html Textfields have a limit?
That is what I have looked into untill now.
But else, there is also some axctiveX object that can run inside max:
global GenericDialog
try(destroydialog GenericDialog) catch()
rollout GenericDialog "GenericDialog" width:388 height:159
activeXControl txOle "{3D6D5D2F-B9F2-101C-AED5-00608CF525A5}" height:200 width:300 align:#left
createdialog GenericDialog style:#(#style_resizing,#style_titlebar,#style_sysmenu,#style_minimizebox,#style_maximizebox)
--{8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002F3} Forms.TextBox.1
--{3B7C8860-D78F-101B-B9B5-04021C009402} RICHTEXT.RichtextCtrl.1
--{3D6D5D2F-B9F2-101C-AED5-00608CF525A5} TX.TextControl.110
my best ideer is to write a 3dsmax extension that can access the 3dsmax Editbox, so you can insert text and code where the Marker/Cursor is, and indsert code around the selected text. but I’m not skilled enougth to code that. Simply just expand the Editbox with functions so you can edit and call functions in it, like a notepad or word editing program.
Please join in, everything can help it. What way do you like best?
Personally I think the hard way (writing a Utility Plugin) will be the most rewarding. You’ll have the most control over whats happening and you’re only limited by MFC, which isn’t all that limiting . My knowledge of MFC is, however, limited (as is my time 😮 ), but I would like to give it a try.
Btw. Html editors like Homesite (now called dreamweaver) etc. has great coding features, that really is a good example of how a real coding program should be. With line numbers, grouping of text, customized tags etc.
If you want a better text editor with tabs, syntax highlighting, code indentation, etc… then go get Crimson Editor. It’s free and has included MAXScript syntax support (which I keep up to date, time permitting) for a few years now.
An editor that lets you, for instance, highlight a block and put “If Then / Else” statements around it wouldn’t really be that much help. The logic of the If/Else isn’t just a tag. There are test conditions that have to be met for the branching to work. There’s no way an editor could magically understand what values you are testing for and what you are testing them against and then craft an If/Else clause. The logic is specific to the code and the code is specific to the logic. It’s far different than the idea of “make this selection bold”.
I do agree that the current state of MAXScript tools in Max is lacking. The MAXScript editor needs to graduate from a bad Notepad knockoff to a full IDE with syntax highlighting; Intellisense hints & autocomplete for both user created functions & native methods and events; and a debugger.
Hi, I also tried some alternatives to the MaxScriptEditor. After a little configuration, i found ultraEdit and the editor that comes with visual c++ net pretty good. the biggest problem in my opinion was that you could not compile/evaluate the script, which makes the use of external editors pretty much useless. don’t know if this is possible with the CrimsonEditor, but since there are no real functions in max to evaluate a script (beside of running it), i doubt that it is working.
I fear the only way to get a new, fully working editor is hoping that discreet will develop one…
Program running inside max:
[b]ActiveX fix for controls/objects without a default interface:
[left]Here is an example of launching Photoshop from inside of [b][b]3ds max[/b][/b]:
[left]rollout rPhotoshop "Photoshop Application"
[left] activeXControl ax "Photoshop.Application" height:200 width:300
[left]createDialog rPhotoshop 400 400
[left]showProperties rPhotoshop.ax
[left]rPhotoshop.ax.open "d:\ emp\\appledis.jpg"
[left]rPhotoshop.ax.playAction "My Action"
In some of the active X objects you can access properties from the active X object
There are at least two different utilities that allow you to edit scripts in a 3rd party editor and remotely execute them inside of Max. Here’s a link to a discussion of one on the Discreet MAXScript forums: http://support.discreet.com/webboard/wbpx.dll/read?191193,15