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[Closed] new challenge for a brain-twister lover

can you find all Particle Flow Classes nodes in a scene? (see the Particle Flow Classes topic in the mxs help for the list)[color=white][/color]

24 Replies

how about the catch…

node.numPViewParamBlocks() or classof node == Event

oops scratch that

  for i in objects do 
	if classof (refs.dependents i)[2] == Particle_View or classof i == PF_Source then
		print i


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i’ve played both of this methods… and both have a problem…

most of PF classes (maybe all) can be created without a Particle View


the category doesn’t exactly identifies the class. everyone can make any scripted plugin in category “Particle_Flow”

 plugin Helper FakeParticles
 	classID:#(0x5d14073f, 0x21b14957)
 	rollout params ""

and both of these methods anyway missing one class

I’ve caught all the nodes, the Particle Flow systems and the Events…

(for o in objects where o.category == #Particle_Flow or o.category == #Particle_Systems or classof o == Event collect o).count

What have I missed Denis?

Klunk, I catch one more than yours in my test scene.

in mine yours returns 1 too many (hint not all particle systems are particle flow).

I can count 34 bits in my pflow view, your function only returns 33.

so what does it miss ?

Strange… I just did it again and yours got 34 also…

 most of PF classes (maybe all) can be created without a Particle View

maybe so but

b = birth();
   classof (refs.dependents b)[2]

still returns Particle_View

and both of these methods anyway missing one class

were you talking of the particle view ?

for i in objects do 
  	if classof (refs.dependents i)[2] == Particle_View or classof i == PF_Source or classof i == Particle_View then
  		print i

yes. that was it

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