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[Closed] Network submittal does not set Multithread true

I’m having an issue with network submital from max 6.0 SP1 to Backburner… It seems the scene file toggle for multithread enable is not effecting the toggle in the queue. Which is causing all submitted scenes to render single threaded.

NewMan= Netrender.getmanager()
Newman.connect #manual “”
Newjob=NewMan.newJob() = “Test_MultiThread”
NewJob.priority = 100
rendMultiThread = true

Code above submits a scene with MultiThread disabled in the queue.

Is this happening to other people?

I can not find any accessiblilty to the Multithread enabled toggle.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Keith Morrison

1 Reply

Could someone please try this on their farm to see if they have the same issue?

Thanks in advance

Keith Morrison