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[Closed] netrender and effects
Feb 27, 2007 3:57 pm
Hello guys,
I am trying to render 268 .max files.
I use actually a script to do that with the netrender interface.
This part does work but I still have a problem to render the effect we use : finalToon (Environment and Effects).
This code sends the tasks to the manager but when the frames are rendered, the finalToon effect isn’t rendered with the frames.
local files = getFiles "\\\\Vachette1\\maxfiles\\*.max"
local myManagerName = "Vachette1"
local m = netrender.getmanager()
m.connect #manual myManagerName
if (m.QueryControl #wait) do m.getcontrol()
if m.connected then (
for i=1 to files.count do (
local f = files[i]
loadMAXFile f quiet:true
format "read %
" f
local job = m.newjob file:f
job.suspended = true
job.includeMaps = true
job.skipOutputTest = true
job.fromFrame = animationrange.start
job.toFrame = animationrange.end
job.skipRenderedFrames = false
job.outputwidth = 1024
job.outputheight = 768
job.renderpixelaspect = 1.0
else format "Manager not ready
I don’t know how to have an effect with the netrender…
Somebody could help me ?