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[Closed] net render prblm

hi all
iam trying net render i had embedded a script…

script is like this…
mangName = netrender.getmanager()
mangName .connect #manual “”

sJob=mangName.getjobs filter:#started

j_num_servers = sJob[1].numServers –how many servers does the job have?

for m=1 to j_num_servers do
js = sJob[1].GetServerInfo m –info about the job’s

sn = js.serverName
serName= uppercase sn –what’s the server’s namechanging cases?
if (serName==serverNamBefore) and ((js.state) as string == “busy”) then
frameInfo = (sJob[1].getFrameInfo (frameByser+1))
if ((frameInfo .status)as string ==“Assigned”) then
t= currnet frame rendering in particular server
so iam using t to set the path of render elements taking t like

for n in elementlist do
outPutNameL =“Z:\Akesh”+t as string+”_”+n as string
re.SetRenderElementFilename count outPutNameL ;count= no of elements

set the default render globals setting as
fram start 11 end 14

now the problem is its not taking frame no from net render…

its not the problem of path as by giving value t=11 it will render the frame and save the no of files in corresp folder.

i don’t know whether its net render problem or not but iam not getting the current frame on net render on particular machine…

pls help me…