[Closed] Need some advice – wich axis XY,XZ,YZ is "active"
How to know wich axis – XY, XZ, YZ in the scene(of the world axis gizmo) is “active”. My englihs is not very good, so see the image:
there is no an easy way to get it. but i think you overcomplicated the task. why do you need it?
I want to show one object1 when XY become active and to hide object2. Then I want to show object 4 when YZ become active and hide object2. When XY become active again I want to show object1 and hide object4.
as i understood you want to hide/show only unselected objects?
is it some sort of a GUIDANCE where to go/move?
as i said you can’t get what MAX shows, but you can guess. you have everything for that: the mouse position, the current selection, the coordinate system center, the transform gizmo size…
it’s not a big deal to get what max has to show.
@halloween, toolmode.axisConstraints give me the Xy,Yz or Xz axis that user define by clicking on the transform gizmo.
@denisT, yes, I want to hide/show only unselected objects
I was thinking to use getViewTM() and try to find the “active” viewport orientation, but…no success for now..
help ,
How to calculate many box ,total length, total width, total height Respectively?
I write a simple code, but have message,
if selection.count > 0 do
p = #()
p = for i in selection where isGroupMember i == false collect i
for n = 2 to ( p.count – 1 ) do
moo = (p[n].max -p[n].min).x
how to Cumulative?
Miauu – I’m by no means a great scripter but I managed to get something like this working for a workplane alignment script I made a few months ago. See if this code helps you out.
workplanePos = try($workplane.pos)catch([0,0,0])
gridObjs = for obj in helpers where classof obj == grid collect obj
delete gridObjs
workplane = grid length:128 width:128 grid:8
workplane.name = "workplane"
fn getViewAxis =
local coordSysTM = orthogonalize(inverse(viewport.getTM()))
global getViewDir = coordSysTM.row3
local viewDirValues = #(abs(getViewDir.x), abs(getViewDir.y), abs(getViewDir.z))
local viewFindFurthest = findItem viewDirValues (amax viewDirValues)
local viewDirAxis = case viewFindFurthest of ( 1:"x"; 2:"y"; 3:"z")
local viewDirAxisValue = execute("getViewDir." + viewDirAxis)
viewDirAxis = case viewDirAxisValue < 0 of (true:-viewFindFurthest; false: viewFindFurthest)
return viewDirAxis
fn updateWorkplane =
workplanePos = workplane.pos
case getViewAxis() of
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [1,0,0]
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [0,1,0]
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [0,0,1]
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [-1,0,0]
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [0,-1,0]
workplane.transform = matrixFromNormal [0,0,-1]
workplane.pos = workplanePos
try(workplane.pos = ((intersectRayScene (mapScreenToWorldRay mouse.pos))[1])[2].pos)catch(workplane.pos = workplanePos)
activegrid = workplane
--SetSelectFilter 8
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback updateWorkplane
registerRedrawViewsCallback updateWorkplane
I will test your code tonight. I managed to get almost what I want by using getViewTM() wich return the matrix3 of the “active” viewport, but for now i can get with 100% accuracy only the top,bottom,front,back,left and right viewports(and when the view cube is clicked on the corner – i think this is 45 degree left-fron for example). As I see your script also return top,bottom,front,back,left and right , but I will test it tonight.Thanks again.