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[Closed] need help for bend in Unwrap
Aug 28, 2010 9:24 am
Hello to all.
I am trying to add some functionality in the Unwrap modifier.
This is based on Chugnut’s unwrap code.
I would like to have a ‘bend’ spinner to bend selected UVverts in either U or V direction about the transform center.
I have tried a few times without success. Could any one help ?
here is the starting code:
local uv = modpanel.getcurrentobject()
local offset, range, uvs=#(), sel = (uv.getselectedvertices()) as array
struct dims (width, height, mid, maxUV, minUV)
function getdims sel &uv =
( -- bouding box of selected UVs
minUV = [99999,99999,0]
maxUV = [-99999,-99999,0]
mid = [0,0,0]
for i in sel do
p = uv.getvertexposition currenttime i
--check X
if p.x > maxUV.x then (maxUV.x = p.x)
else (if p.x < minUV.x do (minUV.x = p.x))
--check Y
if p.y > maxUV.y then (maxUV.y = p.y)
else (if p.y < minUV.y do (minUV.y = p.y))
w = (maxUV.x - minUV.x)
h = (maxUV.y - minUV.y)
return (dims width:w height:h mid:([minUV.x + (w * 0.5), minUV.y + (h * 0.5),0]) maxUV:maxuv minUV:minuv)
fn getsetup =
ConvertSel uv 1
uv.snappivot activecentre
uvs = #()
sel = (uv.getselectedvertices()) as array
dim = unwrapUI.getdims sel &uv
1 is the center
2 is the lower left of the selection
3 is the lower center of the selection
4 is the lower right of the selection
5 is the right center of the selection
6 is the upper right of the selection
7 is the upper center of the selection
8 is the upper left of the selection
9 is the left center of the selection
offset = case activecentre of
1:[dim.mid.x, dim.mid.y, 0]
2:[dim.minuv.x, dim.minuv.y, 0]
3:[dim.mid.x, dim.minuv.y, 0]
4:[dim.maxuv.x, dim.minuv.y, 0]
5:[dim.maxuv.x, dim.mid.y, 0]
6:[dim.maxuv.x, dim.maxuv.y, 0]
7:[dim.mid.x, dim.maxuv.y, 0]
8:[dim.minuv.x, dim.maxuv.y, 0]
9:[dim.minuv.x, dim.mid.y, 0]
for i in sel do append uvs ((uv.getvertexposition currenttime i) - offset)
dim.maxuv -= offset
dim.minuv -= offset
range = dim.maxuv - dim.minuv
fn BendU dir angle
for i = 1 to sel.count do
local p = uvs[i]
if angle != 0 then
/* WRONG .......
theDirMatrix=rotateZMatrix 0
theRadius = (180/spnBU.value*range.y/Pi/2)
theRadiusOffset = [theRadius,0,0] * theDirMatrix
TM = rotateZMatrix ((spnBU.value*p.y/range.y)) * theDirMatrix
TM.row4 = theRadiusOffset
uv.setvertexposition2 currenttime sel[i] (([p.x,p.y,0]-theRadiusOffset)*TM + offset) true false
else p