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[Closed] need help about a collapse question
May 12, 2005 4:24 am
What exactly are you trying to achieve? Which collapse type are you trying to perform? Are you just collapsing all selected objects in a single mesh, or do you want to individually convert them?
May 12, 2005 4:24 am
of course collapsing selected objects
sometimes collapsed objects’s face is filp
May 12, 2005 4:24 am
This will combine multiple objects into one edit mesh:
undo "Combine..." on
for eachObj in selection as array do
converttoMesh eachObj;
for i = 2 to (selection as array).count do
attach selection[1] selection[2];
This will collapse all objects to an editmesh but will not combine them:
undo "Collapse..." on
for eachObj in selection as array do
converttoMesh eachObj;
May 12, 2005 4:24 am
use this code:
[left]undo “Combine…” on
for eachObj in selection as array do
converttoMesh eachObj;
for i = 2 to (selection as array).count do
attach selection[1] selection[2];
[left]collapse many mirror instance objects ,[/left]
[left]object’s face is filp [/left]
[left] why???[/left]