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[Closed] Help

Hi I’ve got my file to do everything I want except run a messagebox could anyone look over my code and let me know where I’ve gone wrong

name "RockMaker2"
version 2.1

treeMove "LukesScripts" to "$scripts" 
move "macro_Lukes_Tools-rockMaker2.mcr" to "$max\\ui\\macroscripts"
move "Rock.mat" to "$matlibs"
move "icons\\*.*" to "$max\\ui\\icons"
move "*.max" to "$scenes"

drop "LukeScripts.mzp"

run "$max\\ui\\macroscripts\\macro_Lukes_Tools-rockMaker2.mcr"
run ""

clear temp

I’ve tried setting the path to the both relatively and absolutely what you see above is just a cut and paste after I’d had enough :banghead:
Thanks any other advice always welcome

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should be something like

name "RockMaker2"
version 2.1

treeCopy LukesScripts to $temp

--copy files to max folder

run "$max\\ui\\macroscripts\\macro_Lukes_Tools-rockMaker2.mcr"

run ""
drop ""

clear temp

Ok I’ve re read the Maxscript Reference and was wondering if the .mcr file I’m running before the run “” is causing the problem as the mcr is calling the script via a fileIn, although I thought running the mcr would just register it with max so when it was eventually run it would call the script.

(run “<script_file_name>”

If the package is launched from a MAXScript run menu item or via a fileIn() function, run the named script file. There can be more than one run command and they are run in order. These are ignored if the package is launched via a fileIn() call that is supplied with an explicit script file to run. During the execution of an file, any ‘run’ commands are ignored. See mzp drop protocol for details.)

Thank you RappyBMX I’ll give that a try today.

I’ve been pulling apart other peoples scripts and have been getting confused as the format I was following seemed to work for them.

The more I learn the less I know.