[Closed] multiquad poly uv clamp mapping tool?
How hard would it be to write a multiple quad polygon selection, and clamp UVs to fit into them. example
- Select polygon faces next to each other , 2 rows of polygons on the U and 5 polygons on V (they would have to be quads) if you could write that regardless if its quads that would be awesome
2.Then Clamp all those quads into the 0 – 1 UV cordinate.
- Have the option to clamp proportional to each other and one non proportional so everything is uniform. (proportional meaning if the poly on colum2 and 3 are shorter then the polygons on column 4 and 5, the proportional would compensate on the U, that way the texture doesn’t look stretched).
I have been using a similar tool in maya with a plugin they wrote at work, I would love to use this in max.
I thought of taking the task on maxscript, but I’m not that experienced in it yet, so I just want to know if its even possible through max script.
thanx guys =)
Hi Rodney
If I understand exactly what you want, you would just like to normalize the UVW of a selection of faces.
I recently wrote a script to do that. I have just updated it today:
hope this helps
thats a cool tool btw :),
I was thinking more along this lines
Select Faces
Unitize or Clamp Selected faces and stretch it to fit the 0 1 uv
2nd Example
Select Faces
And Clamp UVs
Hope that makes things a lil clearer
yeah, I was just showing 2 dif scenarios on where the tool could be useful
A long time ago I had started to write a script who map arbitrary forms.
The script detect the 4 corners and map the mesh automatically. The original mesh can be ‘unmapped’.
What make the ‘clamp’ exactly?
Wow, looks nice prettypixel… Care to explain how you go about doing that, especially impressed by the last screenshot where u map it onto a non-quad object nicley…
No problem.
The principle itself is not complicated and the nature of polygons inside has no importance.
- first, You find for 4 corners of the selection. Paradoxically it is the most complicated part.
- For each border, you add the points of the opposite edge. You obtain a sort of grid. The shape of the grid is not always rectilinear.
- After that, you look at every vertice and you compare it with your grid which represents the UV space 0-1.
I had not ended it because I did not know how to break mapfaces correctly.
In this time I worked at the low-level of the mapping coordinates and my routines created unused mapVertices.
Now I know how to realize it correctly. As soon as I have time I would make an update…
wow !! thats nice:applause: :bounce: very impressive it seems that you are also handling any type of polygon size inside of it me drools… that is exactly what I was thinking about, very cool prettypixel, it has many options that make mapping really nice, are you going to make this public someday or have it for purchase? I want a tool like that so bad in max…
oh yeah, about “clamp” ( I really dont know what i means exactly, my engrish is bad ) they use that term in Animation Master so it kind of stuck on me, it does the same thing as map by face in max’s uvw map
Thanks. I appreciate the interest which you carry to my script.
The principal risk by diffusing this tool free is that that could make the mapping in 3DSmax too easy.
What would it occur of the hours spent to move the vertices in the window of the unwrap?
lol I joke. I probably will make this script soon but it will be necessary to wait a bit.