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[Closed] Multiple Selection in ActiveX TreeView

Heyya folks,

I’ve been working with active X controls for a little while now and have run across a little trouble when trying to get multiple nodes selected in the Treeview. There is a .singleSel property, which, when set to false, should allow for multiple selections, but I have yet to get it to work. From the maxscript reference:

.SingleSel : boolean
When set to false, the user can select multiple nodes simultaneously. When set to true (default), only one node at a time can be selected.

Is there something else I need to add to get this to work? Right now I am just getting a single node selected when i drag over nodes, ctrl-click, shift-click, etc. Being that all of the other modes of clicking have other ways of being handled by the Treeview, I’ve not sure what else would need to be added.

edit: So I’ve noticed that setting that property to true (what it is supposed to be default), forces over branches of the tree to close when you click on the name of another branch. This doesn’t seem to be the case with it set to false.

Thanks in advance!

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Looks like a bug in the Reference!
I must have assumed that it lets you select multiple (like .MultiSelect in ListView), but it looks like it is actually controlling whether the tree is autocollapsing when you select a new branch…

Sorry, there doesn’t seem to be a way to multi-select as far as I can see.
But I might be wrong (again)

Bobo is right (again) (pun intended :D). Treeviews do not support multiple selections. You might find a custom activex treeview control on the net that does support it.

  • Martijn


Thanks guys, at least I can stop beating my head against it