[Closed] multi point pivot align
Hi guys,
I’m trying to write a new tool again and I’m stuck. I need to set the pivot point of an object based on 2 or more verticies.
I’m confused because the documentation says that the pivot point is a point3, yet in max its a vector
What I want to do is center the oivot point based on points selected on that object. That way, if you select 2 points, the pivot will center itself between the two.
If you select 4 then it could also determine the proper up vector to help determine the proper orientation.
The other quick thing i wanted to do is rotate the pivot point 180 degrees since a majority of my issues are coming from pivots facing the wrong way. But I don’t understand how to so this if I’m treating the pivot as just a point in space.
Thanks guys, appreciate any help I can get,