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[Closed] Mouse input window

Spinner Controls…
I’ve created this face rigging tool (above) which allows the user to pose a bunch of bones, the dial up that pose using a spinner. The poses can be blended together and what you end with is something like a morph controller interface.

What I’d like to do is replace the spinners (which only accept input on 1 axis) to a mouse input window (which accepts inputs on 2 axis) (see below). Ie click and drag the dot around the white box. This would be a much nicer interface for animators, and would allow me to cram more poses onto one control.

This kind of windowed control does not exist in maxscript. I believe it’s possible to do this kind of thing with activeX but I’ve no experience in creating them. Can anyone point me in the right direction i.e. could I create such a control using say flash and embed it a max dialog?

(I know i could create this kind of control using shapes and wire-parameters but I really want to keep all the animation controls in a floating dialog box…)

If people are interested theres a version of the script on my site.

Mouse input control

101 Replies

This is a great idea. I’m curious to see how it could be done.

I have no experience with dot net controls, so the answer may lie there, but you can do this in maxScript using a custom bitmap. Look at the how to… develop a bitmap painting tool. I’ve done something similar in the past, but abandoned it in favor of real max objects that float in front of the face. Yes, the spinners suck (we even tried scripted manipulators which were worse). The advantage to using boxes was that you could use the basic max functionality like selecting multiple objects at once and dragging or using the transform type-in or using the align tool.

Thanks focomoso. I went throught the tutorial and I’ve come up with this test control. Interestingly (although I’ve yet to try it out) using this method it would be possible to load up the control with different functions if ‘control’, ‘alt’ , or ‘shift’ are pressed whilst moving the mouse…

Just left click and drag in the window

 try(destroyDialog TestRoll)catch()
 Rollout TestRoll "test"
 	local size = 200
 	Label lblX
 	Label lblY
 	Label lblK
 	Label lblCross "+" pos: [(size/2)-3,(size/2)-7]
 	Local followMouse = false
 	fn moveCross pos =
 		p = [pos.x-3,pos.y-7]
 		lblCross.pos = p
 	fn reportXY pos =
 		lblX.text = pos.x as string
 		lblY.text = pos.Y as string
 		lblk.text = if keyboard.controlPressed then "ctrl" else ""
 		moveCross pos 
 	on TestRoll lbuttondown pos do
 		followMouse = true
 		setSysCur #select
 		reportXY pos
 	on TestRoll lbuttonup pos do followMouse = false
 	on testRoll mousemove pos do 
 		if followMouse do reportXY pos
 	on TestRoll Rbuttondown pos do
 		followMouse = false
 createDialog TestRoll 200 200

my max is tied up in a big render right now, but I’ll give this a shot tonight.

I’ve written my own mouse control in c#.

It has many advantages over using the Maxscript only method I posted previously

You can grab the dll from my site

I’ll keep it upto date as i make changes

Put the AnimControl.dll in your scripts directory

The sample code shows various methods to use the control.

Eventually I’ll write a maxscript rollout to manage multiple floating Mouse windows

 fn MyPos a b =
  	 format "pos: %, %
" b.x b.y
  assemblyFileName = ((getdir #scripts) as string + "/AnimControl.dll")
  -- Load the class library created 
  dotnet.LoadAssembly assemblyFileName 
  hForm = dotNetObject  "AnimControl.MouseWindow"
  dotNet.addEventHandler hForm "PosEvent" MyPos
 hform.ctrl.SetX 0 0 --sets the x position of the cross in the window
 hform.ctrl.SetY 0 0 --sets the y position of the cross in the window

It’s a cool control. I tried to use it in a rollout as a dotNetControl but I didn’t succeed.
Does this control is a regular .NET custom control or just a .NET form ?
A custom control is the best solution because we can use it in a MAXScript rollout and it will be integrated in Max in a more consistent manner.

At the moment it’s a dot Net form, because thats what i wanted for my design.

I think it would be pretty easy to make it into a custom control. I was thinking of doing it when I get time after my current project.

I could give you the C# code … but it’s my first time with C# so its a bit messy… and probally neads a bit of a rewrite first.


You can also use the imgTag for this. It has several event handlers that can be called and you can supply an image that you can track under the mouse if you are a bit clever with it.


I put together an example for you

 try(destroyDialog testImgTag)catch()
 rollout testImgTag "Test Img Tag" width:220
 	local currentControl=undefined
 	imgTag mouseTracker "MouseTracker" \
 		height:200 width:200 bitMap:undefined
 	timer mouseTime interval:200
 	fn createBitMap control:undefined width:0 height:0 pos:[0,0]=
 		if control!=undefined then
 			crossCol=(color 255 0 0)
 			bm=bitmap width height color:(color 255 255 255)
 			for i = 0 to width do (setPixels bm [i,pos.y] #(crossCol))
 			for i = 0 to height do (setPixels bm [pos.x,i] #(crossCol))
 	on mouseTracker lbuttondown pos flag do (currentControl=mouseTracker)
 	on mouseTracker lbuttonup pos flag do (currentControl=undefined;gc light:true)
 	on mouseTracker mouseout do (currentControl=undefined;gc light:true)
 	on mouseTime tick do
 		if currentControl!=undefined then
 			newPos=(mouse.pos-(GetDialogPos testImgTag)-currentControl.pos+[0,58])
 			createBitMap control:currentControl width:currentControl.width height:currentControl.height pos:newPos
 	on testImgTag open do
 		createBitMap control:mouseTracker width:mouseTracker.width height:mouseTracker.height
 createDialog testImgTag
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