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[Closed] morphette 1.0 – universal morph target interface

hi all,

I created a very specific interface for a character I’m working on but I wanted to see if I could make it generic for any model in a scene. So, after a weekend of coding, morphette 1.0 is ready for public use.

The interface filters then displays every valid/active morph target for the selected model. So, you can easily go back and forth between all the characters in your scene. Further, there is no limit to the number of morph targets that can be displayed for a model (but only 4 will be shown at a time). As you can see in the image below, once a morph set is loaded, you can create,copy,delete or move morph target keys with a button click.

But there are a few restrictions:

  1. only works on Max 6 right now. I can get it to work for Max 5, just need to make some small changes.
  2. Morpher modifier must be named – “Morpher” which is the name it has when it is added to the stack.
  3. To parse the morph targets properly, they all must adhere to a set naming structure:

morph target that affects the left side of the model: [morphName]_L
morph target that affects the right side of the model: [morphName]_R
morph target that affects both sides of the model: [morphName]_B



The names must be set in the channel parameter section within the Morpher modifier but you will be prompted if any morph targets do not adhere to this naming structure.

That’s about it. You can find the .zip file here – morphette 1.0

I’ve tested it on every character that I have and I think I found all the possible ways to break it. I fixed every bug that came up, so it is stable. But if any errors pop up, please let me know.