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[Closed] morpher target problem
Jun 20, 2012 4:22 pm
the morpher modifier page have “extract” button, how to implement this action in script?
3 Replies
Jun 20, 2012 4:22 pm
you could simply set all channels but the one you want to extract to value 0,
and the channel you want to extract to 100. Then make a snapshot.
Jun 20, 2012 4:22 pm
here is a function that extracts specified channel data…
fn extractTarget modi: channel:1 =
if modi == unsupplied do modi = modpanel.getcurrentobject()
if IsValidMorpherMod modi do
if isvalidnode (node = refs.dependentnodes (refs.dependents modi immediateOnly:on)[1] firstonly:on) do
if WM3_MC_IsValid modi channel do
if WM3_MC_HasTarget modi channel then (WM3_MC_GetTarget modi channel)
else if WM3_MC_HasData modi channel do
active = for ch=1 to modi.numsubs where ch != channel and WM3_MC_IsValid modi ch and WM3_MC_IsActive modi ch collect
WM3_MC_SetActive modi ch off
act = WM3_MC_IsActive modi channel
val = WM3_MC_GetValue modi channel
name = WM3_MC_GetName modi channel
WM3_MC_SetActive modi channel on
WM3_MC_SetValue modi channel 100.0
target = copy node name:name
collapsestack target
WM3_MC_SetActive modi channel act
WM3_MC_SetValue modi channel val
for ch in active do WM3_MC_SetActive modi ch on
WM3_RefreshChannelParamsUI modi
but… the function is not complete. Anyone is free to show the problem and complete the function…
Jun 20, 2012 4:22 pm
also… there is another way how to extract the data. and it’s more elegant than shown above.