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[Closed] Missing DLL because of Custom Attribute?


I wrote a custom attribute for one of my character. It sits on the character root and has a button that when pushed it opens up a floating rollout.
That rollout has a simple character interface to speed up the animation workflow. Inside that rollout I use some functions that i wrote and are placed in the StartUp script folder in max and i use some bmps for my buttons that are placed in my UserIcon folder (through my local settings folder).

I have this major problem where everytime I re-open my character i get a missing dll error…

FileName: Scripted Plugin Class:characterInterface_attribs SuperClass:0x1160

It gives me no DLL Description

I don’t know what that error fully entitles and i’d like to figure out a way to get rid of it. Can somebody point me in the right direction.

Thanks everyone for your time. Have a good day. Cheers

4 Replies

that error is not dll related.
It seams you are missing a maxscript file (.ms) that is a scripted plugin

Hi, any functions i use in my rollout are in a .ms that i put in the StartUp folder. Would i need to use the Include command? I’ve never used it but it’s the only thing that comes up in my mind from what you said.

Thanks a lot for your help man.


I’m guessing that characterInterface_attribs is your attribute? If so then maybe it has something to do with scope. Try using fileIn and have the script in the scripts folder instead of the startup folder.

Thanks a lot guys for your help. That should point me in the right direction. Have a good week