Actually, it should probably be done like this:
local sel = getCurrentSelection()
select objects
maxops.trackbar.redraw forceRedraw:on
maxops.trackbar.unregisterfilter filtind
select sel
to avoid situation in which the filter function raises an exception and max is left in an unstable state of no ref messages.
i’ve check you method on my machine:
Time: 225ms
Memory: 456L
Nodes Found: 753
so i stay with my method for a while
PS. lo,
to make the method complete you have to set previous CallbackFilterFunction back…
Here is a variation that finds only nodes with animated materials. As Denis expected, the execution time goes up by about 1000% and memory by much more than that.
fn myCallbackFilterFunction theAnimatable theParent theSubAnimIndex theGrandParent theNode =
if theParent != undefined and theNode.material != undefined and isController theAnimatable and
theAnimatable.keys.count > 0 and findItem animatedNodes theNode == 0 and
findItem (refs.dependents theAnimatable) theNode.material > 0 then
append animatedNodes theNode
else true
Time: 1172ms
Memory: 65720L
Nodes Found: 249
though to be practical, if this is the goal, it would probably be faster to traverse scene materials instead of nodes.
you can set #mat trackbar.filter to filter only material keys… it has to make everything faster
here is me with my method :
fn isNodeAnimated node =
animated = off
object = node
if iskindof node SubAnim do
animated = (node.keys != undefined) and (node.keys.count > 0)
object = node.object
if iskindof object maxwrapper do for ca in object.custattributes while not animated do animated = isNodeAnimated ca
for k=1 to node.numsubs while not animated do animated = isNodeAnimated node[k]
fn findAnimatedNodes nodes: =
if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = objects as array
for node in nodes where (isNodeAnimated node) collect node
fn findAnimatedMaterialNodes nodes: =
if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = objects as array
for node in nodes where node.mat != undefined and (isNodeAnimated node.mat) collect node
fn findAnimatedTransformNodes nodes: =
if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = objects as array
for node in nodes where (isNodeAnimated node.controller) collect node
time:201 memory:264L
time:140 memory:264L
time:85 memory:264L
it’s not bad, is it?
Very nice! I would stay with your method too, if only for the sake of simplicity.
as i said, i wanted to try the method with callbackfilterfunction… technically it might be faster. we have to stop recursing the node after finding any animated track.
Good idea. The difference is not noticable with 1000 nodes, but ~200% faster (~40% faster than your method) with 10000 nodes.
global approvedNode
fn myCallbackFilterFunction theAnimatable theParent theSubAnimIndex theGrandParent theNode =
if approvedNode == theNode then false else
if isController theAnimatable and theAnimatable.keys.count > 0 then
approvedNode = theNode
append animatedNodes theNode
else true
technically we are not cutting the traversal of the node when we find it is animated, but we exit the function much faster for all subsequent animatables in the node.
yep. sounds right. the reason to stay for me with my method is a simple way to make filters.
we found some way to make searching of animated materials for your method, but to find animated modifiers might be a problem.
there is another problem of the trackbar method… the trackbar might be hidden. in this case we have to set it to visible. it causes max and its viewport redraw. for heavy scenes it will be an issue.
what about:
movekeys all nodes 1 frames
controllerOtherEvent callback
moveKeys all nodes -1 frames
could work, but will probably be very slow.
moveKeys is a controller function…
it tried deleteKeys and undo… it’s very slow, and fires event for all nodes
I think the only way you’re ever going to get a faster solution is to write a c++ dlx version of your current method.