[Closed] Mini-Challenge #4
well… the Party Of Math Lovers won.
So if you like to practice in math try to accomplish this task:
setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
start = dummy name:"start" pos:[0,0,0] boxsize:[10,10,10]
out_start = in start dummy name:"out_start" pos:[33.33,0,0] boxsize:[2.5,2.5,2.5]
setTransformLockFlags out_start #{2..9} --#all
end = dummy name:"end" pos:[100,0,0] boxsize:[10,10,10]
in_end = in end dummy name:"in_end" pos:[66.66,0,0] boxsize:[2.5,2.5,2.5]
setTransformLockFlags in_end #{2..9} --#all
start.rotation.controller = Euler_XYZ()
end.rotation.controller = Euler_XYZ()
wire = splineShape name:"wire" adaptive:on wirecolor:yellow
addnewSpline wire
addKnot wire 1 #corner #curve start.pos
addKnot wire 1 #corner #curve end.pos
setKnotType wire 1 1 #bezierCorner
in coordsys world
setOutVec wire 1 1 out_start.pos
setInVec wire 1 2 in_end.pos
setKnotType wire 1 2 #bezierCorner
updateShape wire
animateVertex wire #all
wire.controller = Transform_Script script:"matrix3 1"
setTransformLockFlags wire #all
cc = wire[#Object__Editable_Spline][#Master].controller
ps1 = point3_script ()
ps1.addNode "start" start
ps1.setExpression "start.pos"
ps2 = point3_script ()
ps2.addNode "end" end
ps2.setExpression "end.pos"
cc[#Spline_1___Vertex_1].controller = ps1
cc[#Spline_1___Vertex_2].controller = ps2
ps3 = point3_script ()
ps3.addNode "start" out_start
ps3.setExpression "start.pos"
ps4 = point3_script ()
ps4.addNode "end" in_end
ps4.setExpression "end.pos"
cc[#Spline_1___OutVec_1].controller = ps3
cc[#Spline_1___InVec_2].controller = ps4
for k=1 to 9 do
factor = 10*k
ghost = point name:("ghost" + k as string) axistripod:on box:on cross:off size:10 wirecolor:red
setTransformLockFlags ghost #all
ghost.rotation.controller = rc = Euler_XYZ()
rc.x_rotation.controller = Float_List()
rc.x_rotation.controller.Bezier_Float.controller = start.rotation.controller.x_rotation.controller
rc.x_rotation.controller.Available.controller = end.rotation.controller.x_rotation.controller
rc.x_rotation.controller.weight[1] = 100 - factor
rc.x_rotation.controller.weight[2] = factor
ghost.position.controller = pc = path_constraint path:wire percent:factor loop:off constantVel:on follow:on bank:off
deletekeys pc.percent.controller #allkeys
I made this rig using MAX features (spline shape, controllers, constraints, etc.) to hide as well as possible any math behind. The goal is to do the same but using [b]MATH [/b]formulas only and [b]WHEN [/b]constructs.
Play with BIG boxes position and rotation, and SMALL boxes local X position. Get the logic and ... run the Math Adventure.
PS. I hope the rig that I made for this challenge will be interesting itself. It's some sort of a combined answer on questions that I saw on this forum.
[edit: bug in the rig fixed]
As you see in some situations the point objects flip on their spin (X-axis Rotation). It’s a result of using Euler XYZ controller. I couldn’t find any universal way how to fix this problem and stay with controllers only. The pure math (quaternions, matrix3) really solves the problem.
After getting the math implementation of this task you will see how easy to make custom scripted Loft Object for example. It’s actually the reason to use Math in a situation where MAX seemingly works well.
Tried running your code buy got this error…
$Dummy:start @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
$Dummy:out_start @ [33.330002,0.000000,0.000000]
$Dummy:end @ [100.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
$Dummy:in_end @ [66.660004,0.000000,0.000000]
-- Unknown property: "rotation" in undefined
$Editable_Spline:wire @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
-- Unknown property: "pos" in 62940421
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock
-- Frame:
-- Runtime error: spline knot index out of range: 2
-- Runtime error: updateShape: curve with insufficient knots, knots added: Editable Spline
-- Unable to convert: 62940421 to type: <node>
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock
-- Frame:
-- f: 0.0
-- this: Controller:Point3_Script
-- NT: 0.0
-- s: 0.0
-- t: 0.0
>> MAXScript Script Controller Exception: -- Unknown property: "pos" in 62940421 <<
-- Runtime error: IScriptCtrl::SetExpression - Expression evaluation error:
-- Error occurred in k loop
-- Frame:
-- ghost: $ghost1
-- factor: 10
-- rc: Controller:Euler_XYZ
-- k: 1
-- PC: undefined
-- Unknown property: "rotation" in 62940421
I’m on max 9
Another question (perhaps dumb, sorry, Mom always said I’m SPECIAL )
PRS controllers as in no Scripted Controllers?
OK then, seems like I’m not nearly ready to take this on but will definitely follow the topic.
Thanks for doing this and sorry for cluttering up the thread a bit.
Hey! I don’t want to lose players!
Use whatever you want: scripts controllers, ExposeTm nodes, etc. I just want to say that is not necessary.