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[Closed] messy topology with boolean

Hello to everybody,

I have a question concerning the topology of a body that is created using regular boolean operations.

Consider this code:

fn UnionAB Obj1 Obj2 deleteOriginal:false =
	undo "UnionAB" on
			if Obj1 != undefined and Obj2 != undefined then
					local NewObj, Name1, Name2, unionName
					NewObj = copy Obj1
					NewObj = NewObj + Obj2
					Name1 =; Name2 =
					unionName = + "_and_" + + "_Union"
					if deleteOriginal == true then (delete Obj1; delete Obj2)
	 = unionName
				)else(messagebox "UnionAB has Problem with input geometry" title:"UnionAB")

for i in 0 to 10 do
	b = box() = "MyObject" + i as string
	move b [(random -10.0 25.0), (random -10.0 25.0), (random -10.0 25.0)]
	b.scale = [(random 2.5 5.5) ,(random 2.5 5.5), (random 2.5 5.5)] 

MyResult1 = UnionAB $MyObject0 $MyObject1 deleteOriginal:true -- unify the first two objects = "MyResult1"

for j in 2 to 10 do --loop to the rest objects and keep as a Previous object the MyResult and as a NextObject the current MyObject j
	obj_n = "MyObject" + j as string--define the String for the next object
	obj_next = getNodeByName obj_n exact:true--acquire the next object
	previous = j - 1
	obj_p = "MyResult" + previous as string--define the string of the previous object
	obj_previous = getNodeByName obj_p exact:true--acquire the previous object
	--and finally Union the previous object with the next one
	MyResult2 = UnionAB obj_previous obj_next deleteOriginal:true = "MyResult" + j as string

It produces some boxes and then collapses all of them in a single body. I use a custom boolean function.
Now, here is an image that depicts the result of the above code for 2 boxes, for 4 boxes and 10 boxes.

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With 2 boxes you get a clean result. Once you start booleans with more boxes you get some weird edges. I had this problem before and in a sense I can imagine that it is the 3ds max “way” to analyze bodies, but still, is there another way to get clean bodies from such geometric operations ?

Thank you

1 Reply

Well, there is. And the answer is pretty simple. Just use the ProBoolean built-in class !