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[Closed] Mesh Slide – 3d Max SDK + GPU

Hi there,

I’d just like to share my experiments with 3d Max SDK + GPU processing and hear comments and suggestions from you.



10 Replies


looks great. are you using cuda or opencl or something else ?


That looks incredible, congratulations.

Wow, that blew my mind

That’s really awesome!
Now I want to play with OpenCL!

Thanks for the comments, guys.

Gravey – Yes, I am using OpenCL. I have added a brief description about the development of my plugin at my website ( ).

Stunning work!!
Really great improvement

Really great work!!

How did you manage to keep the deformations of the mesh when you move the other mesh around? Did you write the vertex positions to a file or did you do it with the GPU and OpenCl?

Looks excellent, are you planning on releasing it?

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