[Closed] mesh/object exporter for flash
I found a nice 3d engine for flash on the web and thought about programming an exporter.
what I got so far are the vertex coords.
the flash syntax is this one (a pyramid in this case):
// Define the object co-ordinate arrays, based on a standard Cartesian coordinate system
var XCoords = [0,100,100,-100,-100];
var YCoords = [-200,100,100,100,100];
var ZCoords = [0,-100,100,100,-100];
// Imagine this as a ‘join-the-dots’ type of array. Each entry points to an index into the Screen arrays. Each pair represents a single line. For instance ‘0,1’ represents a line from point ‘0’ to point ‘1’.
var Lines = [0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1];
The problem is to connect the vertices with lines. I don’t know how to get the edges/connections!
I attached the maxscript I got so far…
I think you would want to use the edge visibily of the mesh to define the lines. Otherwise just create 3 lines for each triangle. (or 4 for quads).
mhhh… it helped a bit! thx
a simple box should have this (was included in 3d engine):
var Lines = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,4,0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7];
when I export a box I get:
[size=2]var Lines = [0,2,3,1,4,5,7,6,0,1,5,4,1,3,7,5,3,2,6,7,2,0,4,6];[/size]
[size=2]my function:[/size]
format "var Lines = [" to:out_file
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces
vis_faces = #()
for f = 1 to num_faces do
theF = 1
face = getFace tmesh f
ec = 1
for a = 1 to 3 do
if (getEdgeVis tmesh f a) == true then
vis_faces[ec] = face[a]
ec += 1
vis_face_verts = ""
for l = 1 to vis_faces.count do
vis_face_verts = (vis_faces[theF] as integer - 1) as string + "," + (vis_faces[l] as integer - 1) as string
format "%" vis_face_verts to:out_file
if f != num_faces then
format "," to:out_file
theF += 1
format "];" to:out_file
looks really cmplicated, I know
but it’s late here in germany and I am very tired…
Your first example has the list of edges sorted from least to most, and organized. Where as the second line as them in the winding order found in the geometry.
I think the second line is perfectly valid. If I re-order some of the edge (I won’t do all, because that to much work). You would get this.
var lines = [0,1,0,2,2,0];
As you can see, the triangle that uses vertexs 0,1,2 are represented in the exported box correctly. I assume the other triangles are as well.
I did not review your source code, because your varialble names are hard to read. Also the syntax coloring makes it hard to read.
I don’t find an answer :shrug:
what I try to do is:
- find all faces (triangles)
- for each face get the visible edges
- write an array for the connections (vertex to vertex)
it does not work 🙁