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[Closed] mesh/object exporter for flash


I found a nice 3d engine for flash on the web and thought about programming an exporter.
what I got so far are the vertex coords.

the flash syntax is this one (a pyramid in this case):
// Define the object co-ordinate arrays, based on a standard Cartesian coordinate system
var XCoords = [0,100,100,-100,-100];
var YCoords = [-200,100,100,100,100];
var ZCoords = [0,-100,100,100,-100];
// Imagine this as a ‘join-the-dots’ type of array. Each entry points to an index into the Screen arrays. Each pair represents a single line. For instance ‘0,1’ represents a line from point ‘0’ to point ‘1’.
var Lines = [0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1];

The problem is to connect the vertices with lines. I don’t know how to get the edges/connections!

I attached the maxscript I got so far…

4 Replies

I think you would want to use the edge visibily of the mesh to define the lines. Otherwise just create 3 lines for each triangle. (or 4 for quads).

mhhh… it helped a bit! thx

a simple box should have this (was included in 3d engine):
var Lines = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,4,0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7];

when I export a box I get:
[size=2]var Lines = [0,2,3,1,4,5,7,6,0,1,5,4,1,3,7,5,3,2,6,7,2,0,4,6];[/size]

[size=2]my function:[/size]

format "var Lines = [" to:out_file
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces
vis_faces = #()
for f = 1 to num_faces do
theF = 1
face = getFace tmesh f
ec = 1
for a = 1 to 3 do
if (getEdgeVis tmesh f a) == true then
vis_faces[ec] = face[a]
ec += 1
vis_face_verts = "" 
for l = 1 to vis_faces.count do
vis_face_verts = (vis_faces[theF] as integer - 1) as string + "," + (vis_faces[l] as integer - 1) as string
format "%" vis_face_verts to:out_file
if f != num_faces then
format "," to:out_file
theF += 1
format "];" to:out_file

looks really cmplicated, I know
but it’s late here in germany and I am very tired…

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Posts: 0

Your first example has the list of edges sorted from least to most, and organized. Where as the second line as them in the winding order found in the geometry.

I think the second line is perfectly valid. If I re-order some of the edge (I won’t do all, because that to much work). You would get this.

var lines = [0,1,0,2,2,0];

As you can see, the triangle that uses vertexs 0,1,2 are represented in the exported box correctly. I assume the other triangles are as well.

I did not review your source code, because your varialble names are hard to read. Also the syntax coloring makes it hard to read.

I don’t find an answer :shrug:

what I try to do is:

  • find all faces (triangles)
  • for each face get the visible edges
  • write an array for the connections (vertex to vertex)

it does not work 🙁