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[Closed] MCG LookAt compare
Mar 08, 2018 12:40 pm
I’m not sure whether this happen only for me or not. when I use a MCG controller, my viewport FPS become so low. Please run this code on your computer, play and check FPS.I used my old laptop, windows 7 64bit, max 2018 update 4, built-in MCG lookAt controller.
Mode = "Max"
-- Mode = "MCG"
SampleCount = 100
with redraw off
resetmaxfile #noprompt
max tool maximize
Objs = for i = 1 to SampleCount - 1 collect teapot wirecolor:white radius:5 pos:[i*10,0,0]
Target = point pos:[0,0,1000]
animate on at time 100 Target.pos.controller[1].value = 100
case Mode of
"Max" :
for o in Objs do
C = o.rotation.controller = lookat_constraint()
C.appendTarget Target 50
"MCG" :
for o in Objs do
C = o.rotation.controller = MCG_LookAt Targets_Tab:#(Target) Weights_Tab:#(50) targetAxis:3
max tool zoomextents all
-- Play and see FPS
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