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[Closed] MCG Controllers

The interesting bit for most will be this bit…

While working on MCG animation controller we also added the capability to create scripted animation controller plug-ins in MAXScript. This differs from the traditional “script controller” in that the new controller has a parameter block, a UI displayed in the motion panel, and is listed in the assign controller dialog.

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added to the system new plugins for script extension to make MCG works look more useful than MCG itself

I’m hopeful that MCG Controller will do away with a lot of slow script controllers.

I’ve been playing with it for a few months and made a few little things that would have normally been script controllers, they have nice little UIs and are very accessible for anyone scared of scripting!

I’m really hoping we see spline support soon, that way we could make some very abstract shape generators and make some very cool Tron-esque animation easily.

Someone has already taken advantage of the script extension for controllers in Max 2016 EXT1. Not MCG but in some ways this is better

I’ve just released a stupidly simple controller that is quite useful.

@DenisT – You got Max 2016 yet to play with MCG?

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i don’t do any max development now. only support. so i still stuck with 2014.

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If you’re on maintenance subscription you should still install/activate your 2015/2016 licences…

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If you were on the beta Denis you could get access to the very latest build

Holy crap, that would have been so useful in a recent project I was working on! Nice one Dave!

first things i would try to make using this scripted controller:

multi-parent constraint

flip-free path constraint

‘horse-leg’ IK solver

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How would a multi-parent constraint work?

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Something like this perhaps:

I am planning to write a multi-parent controller in the near future that would work for much older versions of 3ds Max up to 2016. Currently writing my own animatable pivot controller for the same.

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similar to maya’s Parent Constraint which allows multiple targets with influence weights.

it’s not like max link constraint which works as a Switcher, but more like Transform List (which is not supported by max unfortunately)

a combined PRS constraint ?

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sort of… PRS List

actually what types of controller are scriptable now with 2016? is prs (matrix3) supported?

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Controller Outputs are:

Color Controller
Float Controller
Point3 Controller
Point4 Controller
Position Controller
Rotation Controller
Scale Controller
Transform Controller

Inputs are
IArray <INode>
IArray <Single>
Single (Float)

So for the moment you could’t make a transform list controller as you can’t have a transform list as an input. But you can create your own transform.