[Closed] maya xy shrinkwrap MEL
i’ve searched around to no avail trying to find a maxscript similar to the xy shrinkwrap melscript for maya.
has anyone come across one?
When refering to tools of other packages you should post details about what you want. I have no idea WTH maya xy shrinkwrap is so if you want my help you need to provide more information.
i apologise.i’ll elaborate(.i’ve never used maya in my life but have seen this melscript in action.)
Basically it will conform the verts of a low res mesh to that of a high res mesh providing the silhouettes are similar.so for example:a retopoed mesh could be “shrank” to the high res sculpt that it was retopoed from.
cheers Eric,i just spent the last hour trawling scriptspot and didn’t come across this. Paul Hormis’s site seems to be down these days which is a pity as i remember he used to host some super innovative reactor/cloth vids.
i will try this script.thanks.
might be interested in this in the main max forum
Its funny actually, i am trawling the forums now with the exact same problem!
Im looking to try and skrink wrap an object.
have played with the conform modifier
cloth and garment maker
and my latest attempts have been in reactor cloth.
that Mel script does look perfect! has anyone actually got the shrinkwrap.ms script? its bringing up errors on his site for me.