[Closed] MaxZip – Maz() – ShellLaunch ???
I need to zip a collection of known files that are all in a known directory.
I have read about the Maz() function in the reference and I have also read a post on GCS about using ShellLaunch to run the maxzip.exe application externally. But im still running into difficulty.
- The problem I have is that the following does launch MaxZip but then MaxZip reports an incorrect number of arguemnts (the destination for the zip file is obviously missing!)
– ShellLaunch <application> <argument>
ShellLaunch “D:\3dsmax7\maxzip.exe” “D:\3dsmax7\myFile.tif”
- However, when using the following (with an extra argument to suit MaxZip.exe), the ShellLaunch does not work because there are now too many arguments!
– ShellLaunch <application> <arguement1 – zip file> <arguement2 – file to be zipped>
ShellLaunch “D:\3dsmax7\maxzip.exe” “D:\3dsmax7\myFile.zip” “D:\3dsmax7\myFile.tif”
- Also, I eventually need to zip a collection of files into one zip file.
Any help on this would be much appreciated – Im sure its something simple that Im missing out.
Many thanks!
I just tried this and it worked first shot
maz "C:\ heZipFileName.zip" "C:\ heFileToZip.abc"
You can also pass an array of file names as the second parameter so that you can zip many files at once into the same zip file.
This seems to zip the files, but then windows (XP) reports that the files are blocked and cannot be unzipped. You cant actually view anything inside the folder via explorer.
As this is going to form part of my pipeline i need to be able to unzip the files on machines without max installed (so the unmaz function wont do either)
Im not sure whether my only option is to go through ShellLaunch?
I have tried the above on several different machines and face the same problem.
Any other ideas?
Sounds to me like you realy need somethink like perl, python or autoit that Carlos just pointed me to the other day. These scripting languages might give you the kind of control that you are in need of.