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[Closed] MaxTabs – WIP

So just a quick 10 minute attempt at a concept for making a tab-like interface between max sessions.

Obviously needs proper dotnet code for button interface, and got to add a lot of functionality but I thought I’d post up WIPs as I go.

	cui.UnRegisterDialogBar RL_MaxTab
	DestroyDialog RL_MaxTab
	Rollout RL_MaxTab ""
		button btn_Max1 "Max Window 1" pos:[0,0] width:150 
		button btn_Max2 "Max Window 2" pos:[150,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max3 "Max Window 3" pos:[300,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max4 "Max Window 4" pos:[450,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max5 "Max Window 5" pos:[600,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max6 "Max Window 6" pos:[750,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max7 "Max Window 7" pos:[900,0] width:150 visible:false
		button btn_Max8 "Max Window 8" pos:[1050,0] width:150 visible:false
		on RL_MaxTab open do
			s = dotNetObject "System.Diagnostics.Process"
			aMaxProcesses = (s.GetProcessesByName("3dsmax"))
			for i = 1 to aMaxProcesses.count do
				thebtn = execute("RL_MaxTab.btn_Max" + i as string)
				thebtn.visible = true
				thename = aMaxProcesses[i].MainWindowTitle
				thebtn.caption = substring  thename 1 (findstring thename " - Autodesk 3ds Max")
	CreateDialog RL_MaxTab 1400 20 style:#()
	cui.RegisterDialogBar RL_MaxTab style:#(#cui_dock_bottom, #cui_floatable, #cui_dock_top, #cui_max_sized)
	cui.DockDialogBar RL_MaxTab #cui_dock_top