try MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon False catch() -- old max
ViewCubeOps.Visibility = False
ComponentManager = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager")
try qatbar = ComponentManager.QuickAccessToolBar catch() -- old max
try qatbar.IsVisible = false catch() -- old max
try qatbar.IsMenuBarVisible = false catch() -- old max
try ComponentManager.InfoCenterToolBar.MaxWidth = 0 catch() -- old max
try ComponentManager.InfoCenterToolBar.MinWidth = 0 catch() -- old max
case cui.getExpertMode() of (
false: (
trackbar.visible = false
timeSlider.SetVisible false
try qatbar.IsMenuBarVisible = false catch() -- old max
true: (
trackbar.visible = true
timeSlider.SetVisible true
try qatbar.IsMenuBarVisible = true catch() -- old max
I’d like to replace the menu button ‘max icon’ and the main file/edit/tools bar based on what I would choose.
JokerMartini, I suggest you to move discussion about Removing max UI to new thread and talk about another max wishlist in existing thread.
Maxscript IDE Wishlist?
Some great concepts for code editing https://vimeo.com/36579366 from Bret Victor. I like the value sliders.
Instant Feedback like in Light Table
Built in named CSS colors values for UI & Maxscript Code http://www.colors.commutercreative.com/grid/
Some HTML & CSS for UI ? Or a Browser Canvas?
F11 for Maxscript Listener like in the main window.
Node.js connection for remote controll (telnet or websocket).
THIS one
Well, I am the optimist in did!
Is there any plugin to multi rename textures?
I mean BOTH in mat slot and HDD drive?
So, the path should stay correct after runing the script.
please look at this
Set Bitmap Parameters
but I do not know to use BITMAP name parametar with strings!
is that what I need?
This is a brilliant video. I wish Maxscript/other languages worked like this.
im stick to denisT about MXS dialog maker imbued with dotNet too…? its really pain in the ass and if someone make it will rock as hard.
Anyone have any ideas for some geo plugins for 3ds max?
I’m looking for some new adventures and things to build…
play with simple manipulator. it’s more interesting than geo plug-in
and skill of writing simple manipulators is much more useful.
I was initially thinking an actual leaf generator, one which would make geo. But then i figured most people use opacity maps anyways since its lighter…but usually takes long rather than actual geo.
Second was a cell tower because I’ve have to model a few of these and I didn’t have fun doing it .
I’ve love to get some ideas from the community I what they would find useful or fun as a challenge.