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[Closed] Maxscript issues, please help

Hi folks!

I’m coding my first maxscript, but I keep getting random issues.

Basically I am an architectural visualiser and I am coding a script that creates windows out of selected polygons.

To make this script work, you must create an object, put and editable poly modifier onto it and select at least one of the faces, then run the script set your values, pick your textures and click the Create Window button.

If all went well you should see a modelled window in your viewport.

Now to my problems:

[li]Some times the script just fails to create a window, seems to happen randomly[/li][li]Some times I get an error along the lines of, “An unexpected exception occurred”[/li][li]Worst of all, after using this script on my max document, I save it, close max and when I try to reopen it the scene flickers for a second and max crashes with “An error has occurred and the application will now close” error[/li][/ol]Please take a look at my code below, I would be very grateful if anyone could help fix these issues and even offer advice to optimise this script, as I said it’s my first script and it’s probably not the best way to code a tool like this.

Thank you to all!

  fn checkSelection =
  		theObject = modPanel.GetCurrentObject()
  		if (theObject != undefined and subobjectlevel > 3) then
  			if (classof theObject as string == "Edit_Poly") then
  				test = theObject.getSelection #Face
  				test.isEmpty -- returns true if no polys selected
  		messagebox "Could not check selection" title:"Error"
  fn doInset &iObject iAmount =
  		iObject.modifiers[1].insetamount = iAmount
  		iObject.modifiers[1].insettype = 1
  		iObject.modifiers[1].ButtonOp #inset
  		messagebox "Could not inset selection" title:"Error"
  fn doBevel &bObject bHeight bOutline =
  		bObject.modifiers[1].bevelHeight = bHeight
  		bObject.modifiers[1].bevelOutline = bOutline
  		bObject.modifiers[1].bevelType = 1
  		bObject.modifiers[1].ButtonOp #bevel
  		messagebox "Could not bevel selection" title:"Error"
  fn doExtrude &eObject eHeight =
  		eObject.modifiers[1].extrudeFaceHeight = eHeight
  		eObject.modifiers[1].extrudeFaceType = 1
  		eObject.modifiers[1].ButtonOp #ExtrudeFace
  		messagebox "Could not extrude selection" title:"Error"
  rollout createWindow "Create Window" width:165 height:350
  	group "Frame"
  		materialbutton frameMat "Pick Material"
  		spinner frameInsetSpn "Inset:" type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  		spinner frameBevelHeightSpn "Bevel Height:" range:[-100,100,0] type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  		spinner frameBevelOutlineSpn "Bevel Outline:" range:[-100,100,0] type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  		spinner frameExtrudeHeightSpn "Extrude:" range:[-1000,1000,0] type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  	group "Beading"
  		materialbutton beadingMat "Pick Material"
  		spinner beadingInsetSpn "Inset:" type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  		spinner beadingExtrudeHeightSpn "Extrude:" range:[-1000,1000,0] type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  	group "Glass"
  		materialbutton glassMat "Pick Material"
  		spinner glassShellInnerSpn "Inner Amount:" type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  		spinner glassShellOuterSpn "Outer Amount:" type:#worldunits fieldwidth:60
  	button createBtn "Create Window"
  	-- Generates an unknown exception?
  	on createWindow open  do
  		global frameObjName = uniquename "Window_Frame"
  		global beadingObjName = uniquename "Window_Beading"
  		global glassObjName = uniquename "Window_Glass"
  		global frameMaterial
  		global beadingMaterial
  		global glassMaterial
  		frameInsetSpn.value = 50
  		frameBevelHeightSpn.value = -3
  		frameBevelOutlineSpn.value = -3
  		frameExtrudeHeightSpn.value = -50
  		beadingInsetSpn.value = 10
  		beadingExtrudeHeightSpn.value = -10
  		glassShellInnerSpn.value = 10
  		glassShellOuterSpn.value = 0
  	on frameMat picked mtl do
  		frameMaterial = mtl
  	on beadingMat picked mtl do
  		beadingMaterial = mtl
  	on glassMat picked mtl do
  		glassMaterial = mtl
  	on createBtn pressed do with undo on
  		if (selection.count < 1 or checkSelection() != false) then
  			messagebox "You must select at least one polygon" title:"Error"
  		--  disableSceneRedraw() -- disable viewport redraw, speed, sometimes crashes
  		--  suspendEditing() -- disable Modify panel update, speed, always crashes
  		setWaitCursor() -- show wait cursor
  		baseObj = (getcurrentselection())[1] -- get current selection
  		baseObj.modifiers[1].DetachtoObject frameObjName -- detach frame
  		subobjectlevel = 0
  	--  -- Frame
  		frameObj = getnodebyname frameObjName
  		select frameObj
  		addmodifier frameObj (edit_poly())
  		max modify mode
  		subobjectlevel = 4
  		doInset frameObj frameInsetSpn.value
  		doBevel frameObj frameBevelHeightSpn.value frameBevelOutlineSpn.value
  		doExtrude frameObj frameExtrudeHeightSpn.value
  		frameObj.modifiers[1].DetachtoObject beadingObjName
  		frameObj.material = frameMaterial
  		subobjectlevel = 0
  	--  -- Beading
  		beadingObj = getnodebyname beadingObjName
  		select beadingObj
  		addmodifier beadingObj (edit_poly())
  		max modify mode
  		subobjectlevel = 4
  		doInset beadingObj beadingInsetSpn.value
  		doExtrude beadingObj beadingExtrudeHeightSpn.value
  		beadingObj.modifiers[1].DetachtoObject glassObjName
  		beadingObj.material = beadingMaterial
  		subobjectlevel = 0
  	--  -- Glass
  		glassObj = getnodebyname glassObjName
  		select glassObj
  		addmodifier glassObj (shell())
  		max modify mode
  		glassObj.modifiers[1].innerAmount = glassShellInnerSpn.value
  		glassObj.modifiers[1].outerAmount = glassShellOuterSpn.value
  		glassObj.material = glassMaterial
  	--  --
  		--  enableSceneRedraw()
  		--  resumeEditing()
  		setArrowCursor() -- revert to arrow cursor
  createDialog createWindow
4 Replies

No replies? :shrug:

Just an update, I have noticed that the corrupted file issue (problem 3 from above) seems to be linked to detaching a polygon face as a new editable poly and then working on the new detached object.

If I don’t detach the face then the file opens with max fine, trouble is I need to detach the frame from the object, the beading from the frame and the glass from the beading

Is there any way I can overcome this problem?


dont have max in front of me but it should be possible to detach the selected faces to a new element within the existing mesh saves having to make a bunch of new objects and it means that you should only have to call meshop for one object

Thanks for the reply!

I’m not sure I would understand how to do that, I think I’d still prefer to split the window sections into separate objects, it just a way of modelling I have become accustomed to.


After messing with my code over and over, it seems detachToObject is completely broken in at least max 2009 (I don’t have another version to test in).

Can anybody point me in the direction of a script that generates a window from a single selected polygon?

Thanks guys!