[Closed] Maxscript editor or other IDE?
I’ve been using the integrated maxscript editor forever, but in the last 6 months or so I’ve been doing some python work as well, and have been using pycharm, which is an amazing tool for developing in. I’ve also used notepadd++ for years now and is handy for writing things that I am confident about, and don’t need to constantly be evaluating the results of.
Anyways, after using more sophisticated tools I am really left wanting with the maxscript editor, and was wondering what everyone here uses for max development? Additionally if there is a way to work on code in another program, but be able to execute it in max, without having to save the file, and open it in max to execute it.
If anyone has any advice or tools I would be greatly appreciative!
I used NppPlugin.Net together with the 3dsmax .Net wrapper to create a notepad++ plugin that uses remoting to evaluate scripts. The downside is that it does not catch error messages. Maybe someone knows how to do that.
I only have max2013 installed now so I can only compile the plugin for that version. Also for earlier versions you need to download the ephere .net wrapper for max since max2013 is the only version that ships with that file.
Anyway, you’ll need an unicode version of notepad++ so be sure to download that first. Then locate the MaxDotNet.config file (in win7x64, assuming english version, it is located in
AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 – 64bit/ENU/en-US/plugcfg/
) and set the AllowRemoting tag to true. From max’s root copy
Autodesk.Max.dll and Autodesk.Max.Remoting.dll
to notepad++ root folder. Copy the EvaluateMAXScript2013.dll to the plugin folder in the notepad++ root folder.
ctrl+e evaluates the saved version of the file that has focus in n++. I fixed it so max throws an error in the listener if the script fail.
Oh that is wonderful, thanks so much! I’ll be giving it a test here this afternoon/evening!
Hot ham and cheese! It works great, thank you very much!
I also ended up installing this into notepad++ to get the language definition into there:
Look at this thread:
You can use it with any 3dsmax version. It will compile from Notepad++ in the last 3dsmax open.
[li]Put the mxscom.exe that you can find in the attachment in your NPP folder
[/li][li]Put the register_bridge.ms in the “scripts/startup” folder of all your 3dsmax installs (or only the ones you want to use in relation with NPP)
[/li][li]In NPP, create a new user command as below and bind it to whatever key you want.
Here is the command I bound to “CTRL+E”:
However, you will get your errors in the 3dsmax listener, not in Notepad++. That is not such a big deal for me
The big advantage of Notepad++ is its huge base of plugins with which you can turn it to a powerfull IDE. I personally use it combined with “Source Cookifier” and it is perfect!
havent blur got their own ide that supports max and python?
edit: yes they have http://code.google.com/p/blur-dev/wiki/BlurIDE