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[Closed] maxscript book/cd

any body got these training cd’s…whats your experience ???
i’m looking at buying one of them…although i wish i could attend one of swami’s classes

The MAXScript 101 Course.$95


3ds max 6 Advanced Module – MAXScript. $50

thanks for you inputs


7 Replies

The MAXScript 101 Course is fantastic, especially if you are starting with MAXScript right now.
But you might find it interesting that even I learned some things from it!

Haven’t seen the courseware, cannot comment, but I heard from Swami it is also good…

my 2 cents,


Originally posted by boomji
any body got these training cd’s…whats your experience ???
i’m looking at buying one of them…although i wish i could attend one of swami’s classes

The MAXScript 101 Course.$95

thanks bobo,
would it make any diffrence if ONCE more i’d prodd you to take the plunge and do something like this…would it ???

just do it


Originally posted by boomji
[B]thanks bobo,
would it make any diffrence if ONCE more i’d prodd you to take the plunge and do something like this…would it ???

just do it

b [/B]

No, I am afraid I cannot do it.

Let’s take a look at the situation:
*I am providing tutorials and scripts for free on my website.
*I am editing the MAXScript Online Help and adding real-world examples taken from the web forums with every new update.
*I am occasionally writing for books like the “3dsmax 6 Killer Tips” by Jon A. Bell
*The new company I work for now is paying me to script day and night to solve inhouse problems which keeps me busy (and feeds me) all the time.

Now the question is – why should I take the plunge and do something that will cost me at least half a year of efforts in my rare spare time and will not pay back? Last time I did it it took me almost a year and then the company that contracted me just went out of business the month before releasing the CD-ROM. I did not see a cent for the work because there were no sales.

Taking into account the number of potential MAXScript users that would actually buy it (probably less than I have fingers on my hands), I think it would be easier for everyone if I would just keep providing free help online when I have time…

The only good way is the one Swami went – providing classes and teaching people the classical way. In the past it was difficult for me to do this as I was in the wrong part of the world. Now that I am in North America, it might be a easier to arrange, but from my past negative experience around last Siggraph I wouldn’t be holding my breath it will ever happen.

hi bobo,
thanks for shedding some light on all those hitches.

but as far as the counting potential for max scripters and especially work by you… let alone your fingers you’ll have to start counting the hair on your head (ok no.but you get the idea)
apart from actual scripters even casual users would want to keep a good book on scripting in their library.

why dont you take a poll in the max forums let alone the general cgtalk thread…u have a HUGE following just in case youre too humble to notice.

thanks for everything by the way.


Hello, I’m pretty new around here, but a long time Max user.

The book I have for maxscript is probably out of print (Maxscript & SDK for 3D Studio Max) and although out of date (probably came out around Max 3 time) it covers the basics. I’m sure either of the choices you list are better ones now, but if you see this one on a clearence rack for 2 bucks…

I do think bobo’s right about the audience for a maxscript book. The math goes something like this #number of max users (far less than a consumer app like MS word) * percentage of those who have an interest in scripting * percentage of those who will actually buy the book…

Not that I wouldn’t like to see it, I picked up the killer tips book and bobo’s part was by far the best in my opinion, but another all maxscript book would probably not be a profitable venture.

get the maxscript 101 by lyric. I just got my copy today and I felt it really worth every buck I paid for it. It has a really neat interface and is arranges in such a way so that you can refer any topic easily later. Good as a reference and newbies can jump start with this.

thanks for your inputs blesson
