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[Closed] maxscript activate relative paths


I’m writing a script that will set max settings the same to each user on the same project.

I can’t find how to check the box ‘Convert local file paths to Relative’ in customize – preferences – Files with maxscript

I found how to activate ‘Convert file paths to UNC’ like this:

pathConfig.resolveUNC SystemGlobal:resolveUNC true 

anyone know how to do something similar with ‘Convert local file paths to Relative’


4 Replies

I’m trying to do the same thing.

I tried using dialog montitor / UI Accessor, but maxscript seems to stop as soon as the preferences dialog is open.

I have a script at work that setups up everybody’s work environment. This is the only option I can’t seem to set.

I still haven’t found out how to do it… maybe it’s just not somthing you can do with maxscript

if you are OK with c++, SDK see

with mxs you can get property state from ini file:

getINISetting (getMAXIniFile()) #Paths #ResolveUNCPathsForMappedDrives
getINISetting (getMAXIniFile()) #Paths #ResolveToRelative

you can set these properties in ini file, but it will not automatically update the preferences.

Thanks DenisT!

You know I looked for the setting in the INI, but I never found it. Maybe I looked in currentdefaults.ini instead of 3dsMax.ini.

The user is prompted to restart 3ds Max for the setup to finish, so that’s not a big deal for me.