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[Closed] Maxscript – Display distance object

I have got a script file used display distance but it’s not perfect, post script section to forum hope everyone can help me

rollout viewDistance "Show Distance" width:342 height:41
	-- Creat two button Show/Hide distance
	button btnShow "Show Distance" pos:[11,6] width:150 height:28
	button btnHide "Hide Distance" pos:[171,6] width:150 height:28
	global addedObject = #()
	------------ Events-------------
	on btnShow pressded do
			addedObject = #()
			p = $
			flag = false
			if classof p == ChamferBox do
				objBox = Box height:p.Height Width:p.Width Length:p.Length lengthsegs:1  widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 pos:p.pos
				p = objBox
				flag = true
			if classof p== ChamferCyl do
					objSh = Sphere radius:p.Radius
					p = objSh
					flag = true
			---------------------------  define GeoSphere pos -------------------------
				local theMesh = convertToMesh (p)
				for v = 1 to getNumVerts theMesh  do
					vert = getVert theMesh v
					geo = GeoSphere radius:1 pos:vert
					join addedObject #(geo)
				update theMesh
			local theEditablePoly = convertToPoly (p)
				for iEdge = 1 to theEditablePoly.getNumEdges() do
					 --getEdgeLength p i
					------ calculate distance -------------------------------
						-- get vertexes defining the edge into an Array
				local aiEdgeVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts theEditablePoly iEdge
						-- get vertexes positions into an Array
				local ap3VertPosition = for iVert in aiEdgeVerts collect
				polyOp.getVert theEditablePoly iVert
						-- return the distance between vertexes
						--return (distance ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2])
					dis = distance ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2]
				--format "Length of edge % is: %
"	 iEdge dis
				--------- Draw line-----------------------------
				newSpline = SplineShape thickness:3 pos: ap3VertPosition[1] render_useViewportSettings:true

				addNewSpline newSpline
				addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line  ap3VertPosition[1]
				addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line  ap3VertPosition[2]
				updateShape newSpline
				--newSpline = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2]
				join addedObject #(newSpline)
				--[10,20,30] [100,200,10]--
				----- inout text------------
				x = (ap3VertPosition[2].x + ap3VertPosition[1].x + 1)/2
				y = (ap3VertPosition[2].y  + ap3VertPosition[1].y)/2
				z = (ap3VertPosition[2].z  + ap3VertPosition[1].z - 1)/2
				textStr = dis as string+units.MetricType as string
				--txt = inputText [x,y,z] textStr
				txt = Text text:textStr size:5 pos: [x,y,z] 
				convertToPoly txt
				join addedObject #(txt)
				--txt.rotation = quat 0.71902 -0.279805 -0.178069 0.610746
				update txt
				if flag = true then
					delete  p
				messagebox "Select object, pls"
	on btnHide pressed do
			for o in addedObject do
				delete o
	fn drawLineBetweenTwoPoints pointA pointB =
	 ss = SplineShape thickness:3 pos:pointA render_useViewportSettings:true

	  addNewSpline ss
	  addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
	  addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
	  updateShape ss

createDialog viewDistance
	-- 2 commands go together for auto display
cui.RegisterDialogBar viewDistance  -- minSize: -1 maxSize: -1  style:(#cui_dock_top, #cui_dock_right )
cui.DockDialogBar  viewDistance #cui_dock_top
10 Replies

Nice ^. I didn’t know about this one.

I have a script section, i found it at forum, but i need modify it that add arrow at start of line and end of line.
This script uses to measure dimension object

 macroscript Dimensions
 tooltip:"Dimensions object 2011"
 buttonText:"Dimensions object 2011"
 	global DrawTextOnViewports
 	global rol_TextColor
 	unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 	local drawFaceArea = false
 	local selSpline = undefined
 	local edgeLengthArr = #()
 	local textColor = green
 	local overAll = "Nothing to display ! Go to Edge or Polygon sub-object level !"
 	local objLength = undefined
 	local objHeight = undefined
 	local objWidth = undefined
 	local backLeftBottom = undefined
 	local frontLeftBottom = undefined
 	local backLeftTop = undefined
 	local backRightBottom = undefined
 	local lineArr = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
 	local linePoints = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0])
 	local moGetFaceArea = meshop.getFaceArea
 	local moGetNumFaces = meshOp.getNumFaces
 	local moGetFaceCenter = meshop.getFaceCenter
 	local meshGetFaceSel = getFaceSelection
 	local moGetVertsUsingEdge = meshop.getVertsUsingEdge
 	local moGetVert = meshop.getVert
 	local moGetFacesUEdge = meshop.getFacesUsingEdge
 	local meshGetEdgeSel = getEdgeSelection
 	local moGetEdgesUVert = meshop.getEdgesUsingVert
 	local poGetNumFaces = polyOp.getNumFaces
 	local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter
 	local poGetFaceSel = polyOp.getFaceSelection
 	local poGtEdgeVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts
 	local poGetVertSel = polyOp.getVertSelection
 	local poGetEdgeSel = polyOp.getEdgeSelection
 	local poGetVert = polyOp.getVert
 	local poGetFaceArea = polyOp.getFaceArea
 	local poGetFacesUEdge = polyop.getFacesUsingEdge
 	local poGetEdgesUVert = polyop.getEdgesUsingVert
 	function ClearViewports =
 		edgeLengthArr = undefined
 		selSpline = undefined
 		overAll = undefined
 		objLength = undefined
 		objHeight = undefined
 		objWidth = undefined
 		lineArr = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
 		linePoints = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0])
 		unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 	function VertSelMiddleCenter vertSel curObj sN type =
 		local posX = 0
 		local posY =0
 		local posZ = 0
 		local cnt = 0
 		case type of
 			1:	--	editable_poly
 				for i in vertSel do
 					posX = posX + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).x)
 					posY = posY + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).y)
 					posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).z)
 					cnt = cnt + 1	
 			2:	--	edit_poly
 				for i in vertSel do
 					posX = posX + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).x)
 					posY = posY + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).y)
 					posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).z)
 					cnt = cnt + 1	
 			3:	--	editable_mesh
 				for i in vertSel do
 					posX = posX + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).x)
 					posY = posY + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).y)
 					posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).z)
 					cnt = cnt + 1	
 			4:	--	editable_spline
 				for i in vertSel do
 					posX = posX + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).x)
 					posY = posY + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).y)
 					posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).z)
 					cnt = cnt + 1	
 		middleX = posX / cnt
 		middleY = posY / cnt
 		middleZ = posZ / cnt
 		point3 middleX middleY middleZ 
 	function GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curSel edges =
 		local edgeVerts = #()
 		for i in edges do
 			edgeVerts[1] = curSel.GetEdgeVertex i 1 node:$
 			edgeVerts[2] = curSel.GetEdgeVertex i 2 node:$
 	function GetEdgeLength curSel edgeIdx mode =
 		local vertPos = undefined
 		case mode of
 				local edgeVerts = poGtEdgeVerts curSel edgeIdx
 				vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect poGetVert curSel iVert						
 				local edgeVerts = GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curSel #(edgeIdx)
 				vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect curSel.GetVertex iVert
 				local edgeVerts = moGetVertsUsingEdge curSel edgeIdx
 				vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect moGetVert curSel iVert 						
 		distance vertPos[1] vertPos[2]
 	function GetEdgesLengthEP selEdges =
 		local curO = selection[1]		
 		edgeLengthArr = #()
 		local fullLength = 0
 		for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
 			curLength = GetEdgeLength curO selEdges[i] 1
 			fullLength += curLength
 			edgeVerts = poGtEdgeVerts curO selEdges[i]
 			append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curO 0 1))
 		overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string
 	function GetEdgesLengthEPM curObj selEdges =
 		edgeLengthArr = #()	
 		local fullLength = 0
 		for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
 			edgeVerts = GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curObj #(selEdges[i])
 			curLength = GetEdgeLength curObj selEdges[i] 2
 			fullLength += curLength
 			append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curObj 0 2))
 		overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string
 	function GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges =
 		local curO = selection[1]		
 		edgeLengthArr = #()
 		local fullLength = 0
 		for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
 			edgeVerts = moGetVertsUsingEdge curO selEdges[i]
 			curLength = GetEdgeLength curO selEdges[i] 3
 			fullLength += curLength
 			append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curO 0 3))
 		overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string	
 	function DrawTextOnViewports =
 		gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
 		if edgeLengthArr.count < 10 do
 		(--	show the length/area only if the count of selected edges/segments/faces is less then 10
 			for i = 1 to edgeLengthArr.count do
 				posInScreen = gw.TransPoint edgeLengthArr[i][2]
 				if drawFaceArea then	--	show face area in only generic units
 					lengthTXT = (edgeLengthArr[i][1] as string)
 				else	--	show length in user defined units
 					lengthTXT = units.formatValue ((edgeLengthArr[i][1])as float) 	
 				gw.wText posInScreen lengthTXT color:textColor	
 		--	draw the overall length/area in top left corner of the viewport
 		gw.wText [4,32,0] overAll color:textColor
 		--	draw objects length-width-height cage
 		if objLength != undefined and objHeight != undefined and objWidth != undefined do
 			for i = 1 to lineArr.count do
 				linePoints[1]= gw.wTransPoint lineArr[i][1]
 				linePoints[2]= gw.wTransPoint lineArr[i][2]
 				gw.setColor #line textColor
 				gw.wPolyline linePoints false
 				gw.wMarker linePoints[1] #plusSign color:[255,0,0]
 				gw.wMarker linePoints[2] #plusSign color:[255,0,0]
 		gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
 	registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 	function StartDrawing =
 -- 		unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 -- 		registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 	function GetObjDimension02 curObj getVertPos =
 		edgeLengthArr = #()
 		local theMaxX = -2147483648
 		local theMaxY = -2147483648
 		local theMaxZ = -2147483648
 		local theMinX = 2147483648
 		local theMinY = 2147483648
 		local theMinZ = 2147483648
 		for v = 1 to curObj.numverts do
 			thePos = ( if (classOf curObj) == PolyMeshObject then (getVertPos v) else (getVertPos curObj v) )
 			if thePos.x > theMaxX then theMaxX = thePos.x			
 			if thePos.y > theMaxY then theMaxY = thePos.y		
 			if thePos.z > theMaxZ then theMaxZ = thePos.z
 			if thePos.x < theMinX then theMinX = thePos.x			
 			if thePos.y < theMinY then theMinY = thePos.y		
 			if thePos.z < theMinZ then theMinZ = thePos.z
 		theWidth = (theMaxX) - (theMinX)
 		theLength = (theMaxY) - (theMinY)
 		theHeight = (theMaxZ) - (theMinZ)
 		backLeftTop = [theMinX, theMaxY, theMaxZ]
 		backLeftBottom = [theMinX, theMaxY, theMinZ]
 		frontLeftBottom = [theMinX, theMinY, theMinZ]				
 		backRightBottom = [theMaxX, theMaxY, theMinZ]
 		objLength = distance backLeftBottom frontLeftBottom
 		objHeight = distance backLeftBottom backLeftTop
 		objWidth = distance backLeftBottom backRightBottom
 		lineArr = #(#(backLeftBottom,frontLeftBottom),#(backLeftBottom,backLeftTop),#(backLeftBottom,backRightBottom))
 		edgeLengthArr = #(#(objLength,frontLeftBottom),#(objHeight,backLeftTop),#(objWidth,backRightBottom))
 		overAll = "Object dimension"
 	function GetObjDimension01 =
 		local curObj = selection[1]
 		case (classOf curObj) of
 			Editable_Poly: (GetObjDimension02 curObj poGetVert)
 			Editable_Mesh: (GetObjDimension02 curObj moGetVert)
 			Edit_Poly: (GetObjDimension02 curObj (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex))
 			default:	--	for primitives
 				theMesh = snapshotasmesh curObj	
 				GetObjDimension02 theMesh getVert				
 				delete theMesh
 	function StartMainFN =
 		if selection.count == 1 do
 			if getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify do
 				if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
 					drawFaceArea = false
 				if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
 					drawFaceArea = true
 				if subobjectlevel == 0 do
 					drawFaceArea = false
 			if getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #create do
 				drawFaceArea = false
 	on isChecked return ::drawInViewportEnabled
 	on execute do
 		if ::drawInViewportEnabled != true and ::drawInViewportEnabled != false do ::drawInViewportEnabled = false
 		::drawInViewportEnabled = not ::drawInViewportEnabled
 		if ::drawInViewportEnabled then
 			unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 			registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
 			if selection.count == 1 do
 				if (classOf (modPanel.getCurrentObject())) == Edit_Poly then
 					when select (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) changes id:#SubObj_selectionChange do
 					when geometry (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) changes id:#FaceScaleChange do
 						if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
 							local selFaces = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Face) as array
 							local faceArea = 0
 							edgeLengthArr = #()
 							for f in selFaces do
 								fa = selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getFaceArea f
 								faceArea += fa
 								append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getFaceCenter f))
 							overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
 						if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
 							local vertEdges = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Edge) as array
 							GetEdgesLengthEPM (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly]) vertEdges
 						if subobjectlevel == 1 do
 							selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].ConvertSelection #Vertex #Edge					
 							local vertEdges = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Edge) as array
 							GetEdgesLengthEPM (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly]) vertEdges					
 					when select selection[1] changes id:#SubObj_SelectionChange do
 					when geometry selection[1] changes id:#FaceScaleChange do
 						curObj = selection[1]
 						if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
 							local curObj = selection[1]
 							case (classOf curObj) of
 									local selFaces = poGetFaceSel curObj
 									local faceArea = 0
 									edgeLengthArr = #()
 									for f in selFaces do
 										fa = (poGetFaceArea curObj f)
 										faceArea += fa
 										append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(poGetFaceCenter curObj f))
 									overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
 									local selFaces = meshGetFaceSel curObj
 									local faceArea = 0
 									edgeLengthArr = #()
 									for f in selFaces do
 										fa = (moGetFaceArea curObj f)
 										faceArea += fa
 										append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(moGetFaceCenter curObj f))
 									overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
 									tmpMesh = snapShotAsMesh curObj
 									local selFaces = meshGetFaceSel tmpMesh
 									local faceArea = 0
 									edgeLengthArr = #()
 									for f in selFaces do
 										fa = (moGetFaceArea tmpMesh f)
 										faceArea += fa
 										append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(moGetFaceCenter tmpMesh f))
 									delete tmpMesh
 									overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
 						if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
 							local curObj = selection[1]
 							case (classOf curObj) of
 									local selEdges = poGetEdgeSel curObj as array
 									GetEdgesLengthEP selEdges
 									local selEdges = for i in curObj.selectedEdges collect i.index
 									GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges
 									tmpMesh = snapShotAsMesh curObj
 									local selEdges = for i in tmpMesh.selectedEdges collect i.index
 									GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges
 									delete tmpMesh
 						if subobjectlevel == 1 do
 							case (classOf curObj) of
 									local selVert = poGetVertSel curObj
 									local vertEdges = poGetEdgesUVert curObj selVert as array
 									GetEdgesLengthEP vertEdges
 		-- 						Editable_Mesh:	(--	not worked)						
 				if classOf selection[1] == SplineShape or classOf selection[1] == Line do
 					when geometry selection[1] changes id:#SplineKnotMove do
 						if subobjectlevel == 1 do
 							local splineNum = numSplines selection[1]
 							local totalLenght = 0
 							edgeLengthArr = #()		
 							if splineNum != 0 then
 								for s=1 to splineNum do
 									selKnot = getKnotSelection selection[1] s
 									if selKnot.count == 1 then
 										local selSegm = undefined
 										case selKnot[1] of
 											1: (selSegm = #(1))	--	the first knot is selected work with first segment
 											(numKnots selection[1] s): (selSegm = #((numKnots selection[1] s)-1))	--	if the last knot is selected work with last segment
 											default: (selSegm = #((selKnot[1]-1),selKnot[1]))	--	otherwise work with the previous and the next segments
 										for i in selSegm do
 											local lengthArray = #()
 											local segmentArray = #()
 											local segmentArray = getSegLengths selection[1] s
 											local segNum = numSegments selection[1] s
 											for j = (segNum+1) to (segmentArray.count-1) do
 												append lengthArray segmentArray[j]
 											curSegmLength = lengthArray[i]				
 											totalLenght += curSegmLength
 											local curSegmKnots = undefined
 											if (isClosed selection[1] s) == true then
 											(--	if spline is closed
 												if i == segNum then--	text in the center	  / 	text in second knot of segment
 													curSegmKnots = #(i,1)							--	#(1)
 													curSegmKnots = #(i,i+1)							--	#(i)
 												curSegmKnots = #(i,i+1)								--	#(i)
 											append edgeLengthArr #(curSegmLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter curSegmKnots selection[1] s 4))							
 										overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue totalLenght) as string
 										messagebox "Only one vertex must be selected" title:"miauu Script Error!!!"
 						if subobjectlevel == 2 do
 							GetSegmentLength selection[1]
 				try(destroyDialog rol_TextColor)catch()
 				rollout rol_TextColor ""
 					ImgTag it_green bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:green) pos:[0,0]  width:10 height:10
 					ImgTag it_red bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:red) pos:[10,0]  width:10 height:10
 					ImgTag it_blue bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:blue) pos:[20,0]  width:10 height:10
 					ImgTag it_white bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:white) pos:[30,0]  width:10 height:10
 					on it_green lbuttondown do
 						textColor = green
 					on it_red lbuttondown do
 						textColor = red
 					on it_blue lbuttondown do
 						textColor = blue
 					on it_white lbuttondown do
 						textColor = white
 				createdialog rol_TextColor 40 10 8 135 style:#()
 			destroyDialog rol_TextColor
 			deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#SubObj_SelectionChange
 			deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#SplineKnotMove
 			deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#FaceScaleChange

yes, above script is livemeasure, but,now i want modify it to add arrow for line
who can help me,
I’m editing it but has finish yet

I am the author of the liveMeasure, so why you don’t ask me to add this arrows?

I’m really sorry miauu, i forgot you are the author of the liveMeasure,
can you help me, please ?

Go here and download version with arrows.
This version uses Cone primitives to represent the arrows, because drawing the arrows with gw methods is verry ugly. Try it

Thanks so much, miauu!
in Viet Nam i’m not found place to learning MaxScript, so my maxscript is very bad
I wish learning from you more,
Thanks !

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