the top of the stack is already a edit-mesh modifier. this should speed up things a little bit.
but as xaya said, max viewport becomes slow on mid- or hires meshes.
i recommend working on the baseobject and switching to smoothwire with low iteration only to check the loopflow.
@ xaya :
do you remember our discussion on using maps to simulate the lightwave look? you had the idea with the checker-map.
this was my initial approach to write this script.
to render images with the smoothwire lines:
press the create spline button. select linear type.
set the spline to renderable. adjust the thickness.
give the spline a pure white material with selfillumination of 100.
Damn, yes, i remember our smalltalk…
i didn´t look at your name… really funny
i even wanted to write my method for this effect
in your thread
here the discribtion:
- add a uvw map on your model
-click face
-change u / v / w – parameter from 1 to 0.25
-add meshsmooth (1 or 2 iterations)
-and finally put a checker map on your model
(click visable in viewport…)
[proteus2002 have also found out that you can use a ramp map…
with quite better result… but what to do with this ask him]
- sorry but i even have to smile
once again my respect for your script
(i have really NO knowledge about writing something like that)
I put the script in the UI/macroscript directory but I can’t locate it to apply a button.
What is it called? What should I be looking for and where?
Nice script!
open the script with the max scripteditor and add some lines at the top of the script:
macroscript Smoothwire
– Icon:#(“SW”,1) – no icon at the moment will do that
save it with the file-extension .mcr in ui/macroscripts.
next time you start max it will be available.
ive spoke to some folks/maxscripters, I know in the Brazil R/S channel and they are looking it over to see what they can doo, but dont promise anything
Its a start
I would suggest adding those lines to your script on the first page. It really helps to be able to find the script and assign a button.
Thanks for the help!
i JUST formatted… this made me jump to get my 3dsMAX back on.
this would make modeling so much easier… ive never used lightwave, so i cant wait to try this. :applause:
Great stuff Proteus, I really hope you can get this going… looks very elegant. LW does some things very well and its smooth display is one of them…how many times do you actually need to see the full mesh description under the poly cage… right. Kudos.