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[Closed] MaxScript : Lightwave Smoothwires – please help

Look here:

“Meshsmooth and Editable Poly now includes Isoline display (results in a much cleaner mesh in the Viewport and) – allowing the artist to focus on the defining topology without having to see every resulting edge.”

Goodness gracious me!


Yep… development stops here…
Excellent effort though… maybe it was this thread that inspired them!? Or is that too much credit to ask?

Ennewee, excellent feature… looking out for this new release! Mental Ray…mmm… start saving some money!

well…before people forget you guys…the ones who made it able to look at the breathtaking smoothed whires in max…

thank you all;)

your the ones… (all the people that make the extra for max)

that make max… , my favo ab outstand the other 3d programs

This is why I love cgtalk.
Kudos proteus.

hope this has to do with you guys…

in max 6 seems to be a lw like display of the NURMS polys…

correct me if i wrong…

Yeeeeeaaaahhhh!!!.. :buttrock:

yea,and we will love it and honour it!!

I was thinking about doing somthing like this the other day and tried everything but the darn Editable_Mesh based solution presented here.

Nice job! Some of the simplest solutions are hardest to see 😮

I’m going to see if I can bang something out for this tonight and if all goes we’ll I’ll post it this weekend.


hi all and thanks for thiss good script ,

im still waiting for my max6 to arrive but from what i hear ,
that whith the iso-lines in max 6 you still have to use the
cage ,you cant select the iso lines minipulations

so the question is that if you all are gonna try to continu whith the script ??, to have it like LW where you can select the vertex
on the smooth lines

sorry for my stubid english :hmm:

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